[The feed turns on to show Ion, who after spending a while fiddling with the pokegear, has finally begun to get the hang of it. He's currently sitting near the house in which he woke up, his Oddish, Anise, in his lap
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Nope! Looks all of us are just stuck here! I thought maybe there was a ...warp thingy somewhere but...nope! [She points at the Oddish] That's your Pokemon?
[That look on your face, Ion. She waves her hands in front of her] Well I haven't found it but you might! Maybe if we both look togetha we'll find one!
Yes, you're right. I'll keep an eye out for anything of the sort. If something was able to bring us here, I suppose there's bound to be a way back as well.
That's the way to think about it! Sometimes positive thinking is all we have so it's best to use it to it's fu~ull potential. A'e you going to be okay on your own though? You're so young...
Thank you very much for your concern, but I think I'll be fine. I've done a good bit of traveling in the past. I am used to traveling in a group, but I'm sure I'll manage by myself.
The Order of Lorelei. It's the dominant religious organization of Auldrant, the world I'm from. I suppose it doesn't exist here though...Does that mean the Score doesn't exist here either?
Oh! We have one of those back home! Not the same one though...[She shakes her head] Haven't heard anything about scores at all! Er...what kind of score?
The Score is the prophecy around which the Order of Lorelei is founded. Many people plan their day to day activities based on it, so discovering that there's a place where it doesn't exist feels a bit strange.
Yes, this is Anise.
Anise? ...It suits it somehow!
Thank you. I think so as well.
Oh, I've not introduced myself, have I? My name is Ion. It's a pleasure to meet you.
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