Jun 02, 2010 00:43
[Einhart and Tyrogue are outside Cherrygrove City, on the absolute edge of Route 30. They've been training a bit, again, since they hadn't had much time to train today, what with looking for a job for the week and actually managing to GET one.]
Alright, are you ready to get some training done?
Good. Now let's see...
[Before Einhart can even see anything for Tyrogue to fight the small pokemon runs off. The young girl lets out a sigh. Maybe she'd even be able to catch a pokemon here so she'll have one besides Tyrogue. And soon enough, she stumbles upon a...]
[... A small green wormy bug worm. Oh, and Tyrogue looks like it's going to attack it.]
Tyrogue, stop. There's no reason to attack that one, it isn't that strong.
[Before Einhart can say anything else though, she walks forward... and her foot trips over a rock, sending her falling down. She manages to thrust her arms out in time to break her fall... but one of her spare pokeballs falls off of her belt.
And bops the Caterpie on the head.]
[And 'zip' goes the Caterpie into the pokeball. And the ball shakes for a few moments, before a resounding DING is heard.
Einhart and Tyrogue just stare at the ball for a few moments.]
... This has to be some kind of joke.
is this thing even useful?,
can't believe this,
first capture,
not always going to be this easy