[Rua appears to be near the edge of the city, away from those blocky NPCs and out looking for any friends who could be in the area. He's clutching tightly to his Magneton's pokeball, as if afraid it will disappear along with the color and life that was sucked out of the entire region of Johto]
Yu-Yuri, Crow, Big sis Aki, Rika, are you guys still okay?
Everything is all messed up like we're in a different dimension... an-and none of my Pokemon will come out of their balls. Even if I call them. They can't be gone, they can't be..
[But there is something afoot near this non pixelated boy; from the route preceding the city a mass amount of scrambled pixels approach him, floating on air and with some speed. This missingno shows nothing that resembles a human or pokemon.
Without much of any thought, Rua drops his Pokegear in haste, bolting into Goldenrod as fast as his little legs can carry him.
But that's not the end, before the Pokegear can cut off from being left to idle alone, the Missingno is seen quite clearly over the network as it passes over the PokeGear. Then the video feed cuts off.
However over the remaining audio feed,
this cry is heard before the entire feed cuts off all together]
[ooc: All nonaction replies will be responded to ICly one hour later]