Title: Laundry Day,or:Quinn Allman's Mom Has Got It Going On
howXiXdisappearPairing: Bert McCracken/Quinn Allman
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: The Morning After [100 prompts]; imprisonment [h/c bingo]
Summary: The first time Bert got arrested, he used his one phone call on his mom.
Disclaimer: A prologue of sorts to my Laundry Day drabbles. This was originally intended to be a drabble as well, but that... did not happen... Also, unlike the other Laundry Day drabbles, this one is written in Bert's point of view, in 3rd person. Written for the lovely
xstunt_pilots. Oh, and feel free to leave con crit, its been a while since I've done the whole ~writing thing~... obviously.
Bathtub Shit-KissesBreakdown Life is not an animated musical