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CHARACTER SERIES: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Backtagging: Yes!
Threadhopping: Sure!
Fourthwalling: XD As much as you think you can get away with? Ritz and her friends canonically sort of prod heavily at the fourth wall in their own canon by having one of their group comment that his favorite game is Final Fantasy.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): ....Dude I'm pretty much cool with anything. Just don't be a jerk. XD I'll tell you if something offends me.
Hugging this character: I'm fine with it, Ritz might decide the hugger deserves to be punched.
Kissing this character: ...again.
Flirting with this character: ...Can we just say ANY romantic overtures would amuse me and annoy her?
Fighting with this character: Oh yes. XD She's likely to start some.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I am pretty much okay with her getting injured as a logical consequence of her actions! I'm not sure how injured will become an issue with her psychological health, which is where I will draw the line.
Killing this character: ...I doubt she'll run into that, but killing her is probably a no. She's fourteen at the most, guys.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: KEH. Have fun with that. She may hit you.
Warnings: ...None really, though Ritz does have a bit of a temper to contend with.
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