Oct 09, 2020 16:21
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Your activity still leaves a lot to be desired. Sometimes, I get the feeling that you prioritize certain CR over others. You take a lot of hiatuses, and even when you're not on hiatus, you seem to have a tendency to leave people hanging for weeks. It's almost easy to assume that you're dropping threads at times. Both your characters have a fair amount of castmates, and in the case of Souji, where you've had some pretty heavy plots with him that I've seen, but the threads that follow it don't seem to go very far. Of course, there are things that definitely come first, but it also leaves some of your CR, as well as mutual CR in an awkward place when threads are left unresolved for weeks or months. I'm not sure if it's because you're unmotivated, you're in too many threads, or something else. But it's still really troubling to see, not only as someone who enjoys your character, but who enjoys the plots you get them into.
I'm not sure what you may want to do about it, but it's something you should keep in mind. Route's pace has slowed down a bit, but it doesn't really excuse letting characters who both have a lot of friends and relationships fall to the wayside when you do seem to be around and online often enough. It's something I noticed a while ago, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt about for as long as I could. I hope you'll think about this, because I really would like to see them both around more and doing amazing things again.
Therefore, I've been trying to really work on my inbox and activity since December has started. I'm trying to keep my inbox to about 15 tags or less (I've used to have about 80 or more tags sitting around before from just piling up) and trying to tag new entries. I have only just started doing this about two weeks ago so there aren't really any noticeable changes and I'm still trying to ease into tagging everyday. However, with effort, I'm hoping that I can get back to a proper tagging schedule once the new year starts. So, anon, I really do see the problem with my activity and I'm going to boost it up. I apologize for just how terrible it's been with me, so I hope I'll make it up because this is something that has been brought up to my attention a few times in the past month, so I realize it.
If there are any suggestions you may have for me to help in tagging, I'll really love to hear it because I've heard a few different ways of getting motivated from others, so I'm trying them all. But thank you once again for the criticism. If things don't improve soon, then feel free to crit me again on it and then I'll see if I have to take things a different way.
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