[ Hello, Johto! It looks like a fine day out today! Fair weather, nice sunshine, everything great to go outside in! It will not be a surprise to see that a lot of Pokemon are outside-- running and playing --taking advantage of the nice afternoon. With Johto's strange and sudden changes in weather, it is always best to take the time and go outside before it gets too cold or hot.
However, that's not these three Cleffas are doing.
Inside Goldenrod's Department Store, one might run across this small costume aisle-- one specifically just for Pokemon --and perhaps see three little Cleffas, trying on different costumes; tuxes, devils, other Pokemon, hearts, all that! While this is happening, three little Pokegears lie on the ground nearby, recording them. Each one of those gears belonging to each one's trainer. Well, they gotta record themselves putting on these costumes, right?
They continue to change through costumes until they find a nice themed one! In just about a few seconds, these three are no longer just Cleffas, they are...
The Cleffamigos. ]
[ The three of them begin to dance around, quite satisfied with their new costumes. Hope you don't mind watching the three amigos having their party though if you listen just verrrrrrry carefully... You just might hear three trainers- Rise, Souji, and Yosuke -looking for their little Cleffa trio. ]
(( OOC: Kia is held responsible for starting this madness and she held a gun to my head to do this OH MY GOD HELP ME SHE FOUND OUT OH GOD SHE'S COMING CLOSERAS;LDFASLKDWAFLIJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
--I mean, you can tag this with your own Pokemon to talk to the Cleffamigos, have your character find them in the department store, have your character help Rise, Souji and Yosuke find their Cleffas, or have your characters speak via gear where both Rise, Souji, or Yosuke will reply to after thirty minutes!
Yosuke may or may not reply due to hiatus, and Souji tags will be slow due to I also being on hiatus and still sick 8'C ))