Mar 02, 2004 15:08
i couldn't sleep last night my ears were ringing in my head...
OMG today was totally shittier than yesterday :-\ I have no idea how i did on my FCAT test but i'm second guessing all my answers to the test...henry and maria were in the same classroom as i and it made it a lil better but i was still freaking out...actually i'm freaking out right now. i want to know whether i passed it or not but i won't find out till may...JOY what if i fail? that will make my birthday even more pleasant won't it? maria has failed that test 3 times already and it was her fourth time taking it today so i felt REALLY bad...i mean i'm not trying to sound freaking genius here, but i get sorta better grades than her, but still, she's an A+B can she fail the test? even in 4th period, she started crying because she thinks she failed again...i told her that most likely we're both gonna pass and not have to take the stupid thing again when we're seniors...god i just hope that i get AT LEAST a 300 so i can pass that stupid thing. afterwords, henry, vanessa, maria and i were all discussing our answers to the test and on some of them, we all got different answers and others we got the same so i felt a little relieved...tomorrow is math and its gonna be 10 times worse for me considering i didnt learn SHIT in geometry and that's almost all of what the test is based on :-( GRRR i just feel like crying right now! this whole freaking weekend/week has been hell for me because i havent stopped running around so im worn out...well actually, i do have some good henry is going to be in psychology AP next year and in his journal, he picked 4 people to analyze and talk about...i was one of the 4 people that he chose because he says im "interesting" lol...thats one of his famous quotes cuz he's always saying that about anyway today he wanted me to read his analysis on me and it was TOTALLY right...first he said i was a sweet girl with passion to get things accomplished but my weaknesses get the best of me...he says i'm extremely vulnerable to other peoples' feelings and i tend to care more about other people than i do myself....he also said i let peoples' emotions get the best of me and that i have to learn to let go of some of my negative aspects (such as thinking i failed the STUPID FCAT!!) and learn to live in a more positive manner..he said a lot more but i'm too brainwashed to even yeah!!! god i just want to know what i got on that test!! i'm freaking out!!! i need to calm down so i'm gonna go and try to relax awhile.....toodles<3
the gift wrapped guilt trip kisses left you naked in your bed...