Jan 01, 2020 16:01
Gene not acting like Gene? Tell me! I want to improve if I can! Anon is a go, so let me here what you have to say. :)
AIM: Arcaknight
Email: Happyblueblue@gmail.com
Friendship: Always! Gene enjoys friends of all shapes, sizes, and ages.
Romance: He's got a thing for Melfina, so if he flirts with another girl, he's being nice.
Physical Affection: Pretty much anything is okay from females... Males on the other hand. Keep it at a handshake. Fred Luo has made Gene homophobic.
Fighting: Absolutely! Gene will probably be the once that starts the fights anyway.
Thread jacking: Go ahead! The more the merrier!
Death: Nope.
Injury: Sure, just ask first. Gene's covered in scars, why the hell not add some more?
Contact: Anytime! I'll be happy to talk about whatever. :D