Poochyena lv 16 - "Stan" - Starter
Gender: Male
Type: Dark
Ability: Run Away
Nature: Serious
Original Trainer: Harley Quinn
Move Set: Tackle, Howl, Sand Attack, Bite
Harley's starting Pokemon. He's far more surly than his trainer, and seems to put up with her largely out of a sense of duty.
Koffing lv 8 - "Olly" - Met in Goldenrod City
Gender: Male
Type: Poison
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Jolly
Original Trainer: Harley Quinn
Move Set: Tackle, Poison Gas, Smog
Another Pokemon given to Harley upon her arrival in the Rocket Base. Aside from being more cheerful than Stan, he doesn't talk much.
- 1 Team Rocket Official Uniform
- 3 changes of undergarments
- 1 12oz bottle of liquid soap (this can double as laundry detergent)
- 1 8oz bottle of shampoo; 1 8oz bottle of conditioner
- 1 washcloth, 2 towels (one small, one larger), 1 toothbrush, 1 travel-sized pack of toothpaste
- Trail Mix
- Team Rocket Guide
- Letter from the Boss
- 1 PokéGear
- 5 Potions
- 1 Repel, 1 MaxRepel
- 1 Escape Rope
- 5 PokéBalls
- P3000