Jul 16, 2009 10:59
Am I ready to declare my minor?! I have no idea, because SD doesn't have the actual minor I want...
Anyways, I'm starting my minor GEs next fall! I'm excited.
Visual Arts Computing!
Even though there are a lot of classes not pertaining in my minor (that are visual arts classes) that I want to take.
I don't know if I'm able to take them and hopefully it can count as an upper div...I'll have to talk to my counselor. But, I'm really excited! Doing something I like, I'm just scared about designing websites, since I'm not good at that. I just want to learn about typography and editorial design! =(
I got an interview for this fashion magazine on campus, called Secret Scholar. Its so ugly, I'm hoping to climb up to Editor-In-Chief my third/fourth year and change everything. keke.
Seems like not a lot of people know Indesign on campus, like how I applied to be a layout designer for this art magazine...and the current layout designer didn't know how to use Indesign. It disgusted me. jk. I mean...art magazine...and not know how to use photoshop, Indesign, and Ilustrator? That's a disgrace.
I also applied for a Junior Assistant Graphic Designer position for UEA or something (University Events..something), they're paying $9.50 an hour and you design posters, brochures, and things for various events. I think it'll be a great start for me.
I'm really excited for next year, I actually feel like I'm getting started on what I like to do!
But, even so, I'm not sure if it'll work out, still thinking positive though!!
I have 3 finals on one day =(
apparently, the school isn't suppose to allow you to do that, and you can reschedule a final. So that's what I'm hoping to do.
Plus, all three occur on the LAST day before winter break...they're not hard classes though. Oh well.
I want summer school to END!
Oh and praise the lord!!! I got another job lined up for me (hopefully, since its still in process). But, its at another persons showroom AND I get paid under the table. yay! My boss is pretty awesome, she always encourages me to do things and she tries to find jobs for me and connections.
Life is good to me. I need to stop complaining!! its nt my fault, its calculus's fault.