Tenth ☁ :: [Video]

Feb 19, 2011 22:46

[The feed opens with a sound that, depending on who you are, will either be heartbreaking, laughable, or just plain annoying:

A Togepi's sobbing.

The little half-shelled Pokemon is sitting in a distressed-looking Dash's lap, surrounded by several new Pokemon not usually seen with Crayola-head: a Snover beside her, a Mareep curled up at her feet, and a Furret draped over her shoulders, being recorded by Lucky the Golduck. All look utterly confused as Dash attempts (for the fifth time) to quiet the Togepi by repeating games of Peek-a-boo.]

Wheeerrreee's the egg-thing...?
... There she is!


Ah, hey-- C-come on, please stop...? I'm not gonna hurt you-- You know me, remember? I was around when you hatched! Are you... hungry, or something...?

[The Togepi just continues its apparent NEW FAVORITE PASSTIME. Dash lifts it and holds it out at arms' length, addressing the 'gear without turning.] Hey, uh... Anypony out there have any advice about, uh... getting babies to stop crying? Seriously, she's gonna keep the whole city up if this keeps up!


[That exasperated look melts into an almost miserable one-- a perplexed frown.]

... Kaitlyn's gone. Left her Pokemon behind and everything. [A pause; she slumps her shoulders forward with a grumble.] Looks like it's just you and me.

[After a pause, she sighs.] You, uh... Ready to head out? [She doesn't want to keep you waiting again. ;;]

⚡ fluttershy, ⚡ jack, snover, journey of the featherless, adventure time, ⚡ machi, dramapony, furret, mother duck, ic, ⚡ applejack, my babby can beat up your babby, what is the spirit of loyalty to do?, operation weirdo caravan!, ⚡ pinkie pie, togepi, parting, my little fail, mareep, ⚡ shelly de killer, golduck

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