Fourth ☁ :: [Video/Action for Violet City]

Dec 28, 2010 15:40

-- a sign right out in front. Huh! Talk about havin' a big ego!

[The screen wobbles awkwardly-- whoever is carrying the Pokegear is walking, and not very stably. Whoever is handling the 'gear, it isn't the hypocritical Dash, as is revealed by the shaky camera filming her as she stands outside the Violet City Gym, examining the placard in front. All of her Pokemon are out enjoying the sunshine-- Roc is sitting on her shoulder, head tilting from side to side as he too looks at the placard, Blaze is beside her, and, judging by the occasional quacks and glimpses of yellow feathers, Lucky Duck the Psyduck is the one filming.]

"The Elegant Master of Flying Pokemon"... Hah! Could this guy's ego get any bigger? [Well, we all know yours can't, Dash!] Still, he's got good taste! Flying Pokemon are the awesomest of the awesome, I gotta admit! [Roc gives an approving squawk and an exuberant flutter of his tiny wings.]

Alright, Team Awesome! We're gonna go in there, and show 'em what we're made of! Right here, right now!

[And... all exuberance suddenly leaves the Pokemon's faces. Blaze backs away with a whinny, shaking her head, ears pinned back. Roc's eyes bulge, and, with an abrupt screech, he flies over to sit instead on Blaze's head. Dash ignores them, puffing out her chest and marching right on into the gym. The Pokemon don't follow her.]


[... She's gone for a moment inside the building, then walks back out, shoulders slumped. She sighs heavily.]

Fine... We're not ready. We won't do it today. You happy?

[Her team rejoins her at their usual stations around her. She rolls her eyes in response to their approving gestures.] But that only means we train harder, got it? Just a little setback-- we'll show 'em how awesome we are in due time! [She looks down, abruptly noticing the 'gear focused on her.]

Ah-- Lucky! Why'd you-- UGH, you are so... random...! Gimme that!

[She snatches the 'gear away from the Psyduck-- who seems to be chortling-- and stares into the 'gear uncertainly.]
Uh.... Sorry 'bout that, guys. [She bites her lip embarrassedly, then puts on a glare.] So what if we're gonna wait a bit before facin' that Falkner guy-- doesn't make us any less awesome, got it?!

[She sighs again.] If... If anyone has any advice 'bout him... I'll take it. Thanks.

[OoC: Anyone in Violet can find her hanging out around the city, training her Pokemon (a Ponyta, Pidgey, and Psyduck) by having them attack... trees. Yup. She looks... a little cranky, and very impatient. Feel free to join in on her training schedule, challenge her, or just chat her up in person. c:]

⚡ jack, dash: hasty nature, team awesome, ⚡ heather, ic, ⚡ minnie, pidgey, ⚡ wang yao, ⚡ kaito, mature decisions?!, don't judge meeeh, ⚡ cobra commander, ⚡ anna, this damages my ego just a little, my little fail, ponyta, ⚡ dave strider, psyduck, ⚡ kaitlyn

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