Right - so I got back yesterday. I tried to load up the pics yesterday, but photobucket was being very uncooperative. I don't have time for anything else right now, so these are just the pics. The attached entry/report will be posted before the day is out, I promise. Till then, enjoy these:
The little MTDC hut thing that we stayed in. It was actually pretty damn cool. A bit cramped, but cool nonetheless.
Self portrait. Hehe.
The resorts entrance/exit. It was a nice place.
Looking back at the huts from the beach.
The beach around sunset.
Me and the dead fishies. Haven't I gotten fatter and hairies since you last saw me?
The good life.
The sunset.
The entry is coming - and with it, I feel, the sap. Hodge, I need those doctors quick. Think I'm in it far deeper than I can handle. Help... Anyway, everyone keep it cool. You'll hear from me soon enough.