Lord, so much confusion. Since my internet connection is fake (i.e. being stolen from other people because this apartment is older than the ice age), I can't exactly get online the way I used to. That should change soon; I think for my bday my father wants to get me a mini-computer and real interwebs to go with it. Because he wants to video chat with me, because he's adorable. No, I still don't have my own computer. The only reason this is funny is because I use this one so much more often than Kelsey, that I now know how her computer works better than she does.
Of course, it means I don't update. Which means I have a billion things to say right now, and I don't think I can do dozens of posts, so maybe I'll just do this in bitty sections and try to pair it down as much as possible.
So things were going all fine and dandy at this fine dining steakhouse. Their two main bartenders had quit, which was scary for me to start out with, but I thought, 'hey, I get to prove myself and more work for me!' Then they hire some new people. Mainly this guy. Who thinks that because he has been bartending for near ten years and is in his late twenties, he has the right to call me 'kid'. And be a condescending asshole to me every chance he gets. Great. The best part is, I think I actually get more customers who come back for my drinks.
Got sexually harassed by customers (which was mentioned on my last post, I think), which was no fun at all. Best part? Condescending asshole decides that means it's a good time to have a chat with me about how 'these are the things I'm going to have to deal with' and how 'he knows I'm tough and can deal with it'. I accept the harassers apology next time he comes in (he had had way too much to drink, not that I'm defending his behavior at all) just to keep the peace. The asshole says, "I'm proud of you, kid," and pats me on the back. Had to stifle my shaking impulse to go She-Hulk on his skinny behind.
Then they decide that they're going to hire our barback back. Which sounded fabulous, since we're the only goddamn high-end bar in the world without one, and my wrist had been swelling up from the hours of fucking prep work I do every day, fresh squeezing all of our juices and cutting every lemon and lime wedge. Oh but wait, they're only going to use him for the really busy shifts. And when they do, they don't need as many bartenders. My 3-5 shifts a week has now become 2. On top of it, the place has taken an awful hit due to the economy, so I'm really not making what I should.
Screw this. I need a better bar.
Which leads us to the early 20s scare...
Erm, I don't freaking know. I know I have to pick a direction a stick with it for a while. If I plan on writing, I need to work at it longer before I'll feel comfortable sending things out to anyone. I want to sing. Hell, I need to sing. It's goddamn genetics. But I'm a little shy about walking up to other musicians and being all, "you're awesome and you should play for me. Play what? Hell, I don't care, as long as we make a penny here and there." I'm weirdly shy about silly things. Get me talking, and I'll never shut up. Until then, I'm pretty quiet.
So my aunt/godmother/yet-another-relative-who's-not-related-to-me, the one doing In The Heights right now? She went to visit my mom and said that if I wanted to pursue acting, she would arrange a meeting between me and her agent. And he's a damn good agent. So my mom's all, "GET HEADSHOTS NOW!!!" and I'm all, "I wasn't expecting to have to do this!!" Which leads to my whole other issue of not wanting to spend years doing dead-end auditions and lame chorus line parts, and that stupid damned self-deprecating childhood insecurity that's never left me on the "I'm not pretty/skinny enough to be an actress," side of life. I don't like being that girl. Unfortunately, due to weirdness during childhood, despite all that bravado I can muster up, I am her.
Maybe I'll lose ten pounds at the gym and feel differently. God knows it would help. It would also help if all of my relatives did not want me to "do something brilliant! NOW." Christ, I'm not even 23 yet. I'd like some Aimless Time.
And for all of you who are thinking, "that's great, but what about fandom?" I know, I was too.
The movie was good. Not great, but good. Loved Daniel Radcliffe, as usual. The way he manages to embody Harry's genuine humility and loyalty to the people he cares about always makes me wibbly on the inside. I liked how Hermione-y Hermione felt this time around. I wanted to reach through the screen and hug her every time she got that small, crushed look on her face when Ron was a douche (because haven't we all been there). Still waiting for them to give Ron the depth he deserves.
Yes, of course, Michael Gambon. There was no way Dumbledore was going to die and I wasn't going to sob. And the focus on Draco was really wonderfully done.
Pissed at how Remus has been relegated to 'another adult who Harry argues with!' Erm, why is he yelling? This is not Order of the Phoenix. One of Remus' most endearing characteristics is how chill he is in spite of 90% of the going-ons. Also, I was really disappointed at how they portrayed Harry's relationship with Ginny. Mainly because it was completely out of character and then pushed off to the side. Ginny was not kicking ass or going after Harry because she had decided that was what she wanted and deserved, she just sort of got clingy. And Because Dean Thomas made her cry (Harry standing up from the table, however, was the cutest thing evor).
Snape issue: I adore Alan Rickman. No really, I do. But his delivery of every line in his menacing Alan Rickman-y way has led to Snape never shouting or freaking out. Which he does frequently in the books. Particularly at the end of this one. Okay, part of that weirdness was due to bad scripting: *zaps Harry* "You're stupid. I'm the Half-Blood Prince." *swishy swish away* .....Wasn't that scene about 4000x more dramatic in the book? Wasn't there a lot of shit going on at that point? Wasn't there fighting and confusion and screaming? Did you guys run out of money? Oh wait, that's impossible. So what exactly were you guys doing that day?
Also, I would be so happy if Kloves could write an ending. As Kelsey put it, "the point of the last two minutes always seems to be 'remember, Harry, you have friends!'" And then the obligatory Hogwarts landscape shot with something flying overhead. PLZ STOP. It is completely unsatisfying.
Wow, it looks like I hate this movie. I really didn't. I enjoyed myself. I just was surprised it didn't raise the bar, the way each movie has since the first.
What else? ....I'm trying to finish about five Star Trek fics. >.< And I still wanna start the RPG. Aaaannd I'm going home for my birthday, for about a week. That should be nice. Also, I need more summer clothes.
How are all of you? (No really. I miss you all a lot. Feel free to harass me. ^_^)