And then Davros KILLED THEM ALL!!!

Jul 06, 2008 01:03

(...Maybe psych? Which is just another way of me saying, this is another spoilery review. Of the season finale. In which I will be gushing my endless love, btw. You have been warned.)

Russell, here is my soul, as promised. I knew you wouldn't let me down. XD )

tv, doctor who, fangirling, critiques

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use_theforce_em July 13 2008, 21:03:58 UTC
It was ultimately the right choice from a writing perspective for sure, how he put everything together. Rose is really the only person who gets what she deserves, and there's such an unfortunate truth to that, of course. The funny thing is, I found myself less heartbroken for the Doctor because I know River is in his future. Which is amazing, considering that we know so little of her. It was somehow more okay to me anyway. But Donna. There's just nothing to make up for that. Nothing that makes you feel like it was worth it. And just like you said, to see her so ordinary, and having that fear that she might reduce herself again and never realize how wonderful she is. A fic sort of started writing itself in my head as a way of making it all at least semi-okay. I'm going to have to write it out soon. It will make me feel a little better about the whole thing. >.<

(Of course, in some ways Zoe and Jamie are worse as well, because of the fact that the knowledge they had wasn't about to kill them the way it would have killed Donna. The Time Lords were just being assholes. And that makes it such a kick in the head as a result.)

I don't blame you for feeling vindicated in some way. He definitely owed the fandom some kind of final word for all of it, and it was great to see that he didn't shy away from it, or hand it off to Moffat because he couldn't figure out how to wrap it up. And the look on Ten's face through that scene was sort of the ultimate payoff. (I think the German part was even funnier because NOW THEY'RE REAL NAZIS. Terry Nation really couldn't have asked for more. XD)

I'm so excited for the fanvid. ^_^ I love Jackie an unreasonable amount. Which I guess is because it's so easy to see pieces of your own mother in her.

I'm really glad for the lack of catfighting, because in the end there was no reason to have one. Rose was with the Doctor when it counted, so she had no reason to be upset. And Martha really has outgrown him, so she had no reason to be upset either. And bottom line, Sarah Jane, Martha, Donna and Rose are all so wonderful that it would be a goddamn tragedy for them to get nasty with each other. You know that hen party really could have happened with the four of them. And it would have been the most adorable thing ever.

I miss Tosh and season three hasn't ever started. Gwen and Ianto looked so lonely in those episodes and it just sort of gouged the wound. (I really hope so. Because Mickey needs a real home. And you know he'd have a great time being Jack's not-sexually-ambiguous buddy, which is sort of the best turnaround from how their relationship started. XD I would love if Martha moved over too, even part time or something, just because I'm not ready to say goodbye to her.)

With the Sarah Jane-Davros moment, I was sort of overjoyed at the fact that they didn't let that go by without Davros recognizing her. Because it means so much to keep that through-line in the new series, and Lis Sladen just nailed it as usual. Must watch Genesis of the Daleks. Actually, I really need to devote some more time to Classic series episodes again, now that my schedule is a little easier to predict.


hangingfire July 14 2008, 16:13:55 UTC
I think there are a lot of us out there writing fics to try and make ourselves feel better about Donna. I've got one in the works as well, which takes its title and epigraph from the Pogues song "Lullaby of London". The thing about the Doctor is, 1) he's got River Song to look forward to, in a bittersweet sort of way and 2) he is, in his own way, resilient. He'll find his way back.

Mostly I'm just glad to see proof that Davies is the intelligent writer I've always thought him to be, in that he was smart enough to not just let all those sacrifices slide without calling the Doctor on them at some point. And Tennant totally delivered in that scene. (The whole German-speaking Nazi Dalek thing is, actually, even more perversely funny after you see Genesis of the Daleks. Somewhere, Terry Nation is smiling.) (ETA: Also? Just discovered that Terry Nation was a Welshman, from Cardiff. HA.)

I'd watch an hour of Martha, Donna, Rose, and Sarah Jane just sitting around talking. It'd be hilarious and sweet and just all kinds of awesome.

OH. Speaking of old-school goodness, I just found out something about a special guest star on next season's Sarah Jane Adventures that made me SHRIEK with glee. A certain old friend from UNIT...


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