(no subject)

Mar 13, 2007 13:29


1. last beverage: Water
2. last phone call: Ian
3. last instant message: Jessie
4. last cd played: mixed one in my car
5. last BUBBLE bath: a long, long time ago (in a galaxy far away).
6. last time you cried: March 1
7. last text message: Jessie

1. dated someone twice: yes, yes I have
2. been cheated on?: yes, but to be fair, I cheated on him, too
3. kissed someone & regreted it?: doesn't everybody?
4. lost someone special? No, not really
5. been depressed?: I am a woman
6. been drunk and threw up?: unfortunately

red, pink, orange, purple


1. Cried a lot?
No more than usual

2. Fallen out of love?

3. Laughed until you cried?
Of course

4. Met someone who changed your life?
Not this month :-P

5. Found out who your true friends were?
Oh, I know

8. Is there something you want to tell to someone?
No, I don't think so

9. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
Most definitely, and odds are, I have kissed them

10. How many people on your top friends do you know in real life?
Well, everyone (I don't have friends from my fake life)

11. What's one thing no one knows or would ever think about you?
I'm pretty much an open book...which is unfortunate for my friends :-P

12. Do you have any pets?
Yes :-)

13. Do you wanna change your name?
I used to, when 'Lauren' was very popular in school, but not so much anymore

14. What did you do for your last birthday?
celebrated it over the course of 2 weeks, which included 3 weekends :-D

15. What time did you wake up today?
9:00, then 9:09, then 9:18 (I was a snoozer today)

16.What were you doing at midnight last night?
Offering advice to the best of my ability

17. Name something you CANNOT wait for?
Kelsey :-(

18. Last time you saw your father?
Saturday (March 10)

19. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?
I'd like to go out more like I did freshman year

20. What did you last text message say?
"I'm at work and can't answer the phone...what's up?"

21. What are you listening to right now?
Just the keyboard

23. Have you ever donated money to a good cause?
I'm sure I've put in a few pennies here and there

24.ever talked about someone behind their back?
Oh yes...thank you, High school

25. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone?
 pajama pants and a t-shirt

26. Who's getting on your nerves right now?
Um, no one at the moment

27. Most visited webpage?
definitely webmail.jmu.edu

29. Coke or Pepsi?

31. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week?
Yes :-D  (Ian, parents, Katie)

32. Have you lost a freind that meant more than anything to you?
No b/c I've gotten a lot better with the whole "don't blow your friend off for your boyfriend" thing
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