Jan 22, 2007 14:28
Was sagte ich schon? Ja, endlich wurde ich auf Deutsch schreiben, wegen der vielen deutschen Klassen. Es tut mir leid aber. Ich hätte eine schöne Wochenende, trotz der Spannung in der Wohnung, und ich ging am Samstag auch nach Charlottesville. Katie, Clay, und ich trafen uns mit Ian und Chris beim Einkaufzentrum. Nachdem gingen wir zum Restaurant. Cheeseburger in Paradise machte so viel Spaß! Alright, who am I kidding? I can't say nearly as much in German as I want to in English, so here goes...So, around 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, I asked Katie if they wanted to go to Charlottesville for the afternoon/evening. She exclaimed that she had the same idea that morning. Well, once it was decided, I took the initiative to ask Ian if he wanted to meet us there, seeing as it was about an hour drive for the both of us, and he not only said yes, but also brought his good buddy, Chris. They were apparently famished when they got to Fashion Square, whereas we had stopped and got coffee, so we weren't exactly hungry. I kinda made them eat a "snack" b/c we weren't ready eat (plus, we had just got there!) and proceeded to walk around the mall for about an hour. When we left, Chris deemed it more important to find the Circuit City so that he could get a Nintendo Wii...alas, they did not have it, but we decided to eat at Outback for dinner...until there was a 2-hour wait. I suggested that we eat at Cheeseburger in Paradise b/c I've only seen it in Myrtle Beach, and the food's great. The 20-minute wait was much more welcomed than the previous choice. Long story short, dinner was fantastic and loads of fun b/c everyone kept reminiscing and sharing stories. For me, it was really cool to see Ian in a situation like that...almost like a "real" date, minus the friends (Did I mention that he dressed up for me? That boy will have impeccable, meterosexual fashion sense by the time I'm through with him). Anyway, it was a wonderful evening, and it felt very much like a vacation.
Katie, Clay, and I ventured to Grafton-Stovall for the midnight showing of Saw III. I brought some Doritos, and within 10 minutes, I decided they weren't necessary, seeing that I didn't want to enjoy them a second-time around. The movie was REALLY REALLY REALLY intense and gory, but very suspenseful. They might've extended the use of flashbacks, but tying everything together was really neato. Oh, and we went roller-skating before hand....if it had been super-de-duper like last time, I wouldn't have forgotten to mention it :-\.
So, I spent the beginning of the weekend just trying to stay out of the way. If Brittany and Katie weren't sharing a few choice words, it was Katie and Clay. Granted, there are differences between the arguments (Clay gets irritable and angry when he's intoxicated, and Brittany and Katie have issues that need to be sorted), but it didn't make me feel any better. I don't think there are any more problems about the living conditions per se, but some underlying desire for friendship (at least from Katie's end). Apparently, when I'm not in the apartment, the two rarely talk to each other, or even see each other. I had no idea, and I also didn't know how much this upset Katie. I'm not quite sure what Brittany really wants from this b/c I haven't had a chance to talk to her about it. Something has to be done when threats of living somewhere else are flying about, though, and I hope we can all get through this. I'd hate to think that I couldn't live with both of my best friends :-(.
What else is new? Hmmm...well, I shouldn't have had such high hopes for my GER320 class. It's basically high school all over, again, which wouldn't have been such a problem had all of my other German classes in college been treated that way. I'm really not a fan of finding vocabulary words and writing sentences with them. My literature course would be more enjoyable if Dr. DeJonge allowed time for discussion and questions, but he's a funny man, and he grabs my interest. I'm driving the white mini-van around Harrisonburg. When I went home 2 weekends ago, my car crapped out on me (Poor Gertie), and my parents graciously allowed me to take the Aerostar (Oh the joy). Actually, it's not as bad as it sounds b/c I can carry a lot more crap, and I feel kind of bad-ass driving it (on the inside, anyway). I'm trying to be good about this whole "going-to-the-gym-and-eating-healthy-thing," but it proves to be more difficult once I've gotten past Thursday (Thursday's really tucker me out, and I'm not home until 7).
Perhaps I ought to stop now before I start to ramble :-P.
The Importance of Being Earnest:
Jack: [In a very patronising manner.] My dear fellow, the truth isn’t quite the sort of thing one tells to a nice, sweet, refined girl. What extraordinary ideas you have about the way to behave to a woman!
Algy: The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to some one else, if she is plain.
So beautiful, isn't it?