Crunch time!

Dec 05, 2006 10:34

So, everyone's madly running about trying to get all their finals work done, and what am I doing? Practically nothing while my SNES emulator entertains me for hours on end. Saturday, I did start and finish my entire Language Acquisition powerpoint presentation, which took a whopping 1.5 hours, I think. There was also the group meeting at my place on Sunday which occured at 12:30. What time did I wake up? 12:30. I wrote my 150-250 German essay last night, which is complete crap b/c I have no idea what is really going on in this section of literature, and honestly, I don't think anyone in the class does. I have symposium on Friday for my Diveristy class, and we'll be working on that in class tomorrow. I have my last practicum tomorrow, but it's just a party for us JMU tutors, and I have my online class' exam to do over the weekend. Exam week is pretty easy b/c I have to turn in a reflection, do two take-home German essays, and a final German exam in my history class. Oh, and I'll be working for the bookstore during BuyBacks at Ashby Crossing.

What's silly is that I don't think next semester will be any more difficult. If anything, less taxing on me, although writing reflections as my main papers aren't exactly time-consuming. I already know how two of my German professors'll be, and I forsee the other two being particularly laid-back. Have I said that I'm really looking forward to my Advanced German Grammar class? I know, I'm crazy, but I do really well in grammar (both English and German), and it's a lot easier to be confident and participate when you do well in something :-D. Despite my dislike for Dr. Kyler, German film shouldn't be too hard considering the fact that I won't have to show up to class, and I can still get an A. The GHUM German Lit. course will be interesting b/c I'll be reading German English (a nice change!). That, and Dr. Goebel told me that Dr. Dejonge is a hilarious man, so as long as he cracks better jokes than Dr. Goebel, I'll be fine. My last German class is a translation course, and I'm dreading that one. I'm reminded of what my 12th grade AP English teacher, Ms. Bailey, told me: if you can't explain a term or idea verbally, then you don't really understand it yourself. That being said, I can easily translate in my head b/c, let's face it, I'm already thinking in German. Translating on paper or verbally is actually very difficult, which is why I NEVER write my German papers in English first (that's just dumb and extra work, anyway). It took me about two or three weeks to translate 2000 words of an Eichendorf novel Fall Semester 2005, so I can only imagine what we'll be translating next semester. I am taking a fifth class with Dr. Lopes-Murphy, but seeing as how she's my minor advisor and Diversity professor, that DEFINITELY won't be a problem :-D.

I'm pretty stable right now on the emotional front. Friday into Saturday was my peak "depression" time, so I made sure to mark it on the calendar. It's really obnoxious having this one day once or twice a month where I'm just ready to cry at any moment for no apparent reason. That and it causes me to be needy :-\. It's also very strange b/c the pattern developed, or that's when I noticed it for the first time, over the summer at camp. About every two weeks or so, I'd have this feeling that overwhelmed me all day, and there were a number of times where I would just cry in the office. Kind of embarassing, I know. As a matter of fact, there was one day in particular where Mossie and I both hugged each other in the office while sobbing. Oh camp, I miss thee. I guess those Family Life classes in school weren't very helpful b/c I don't understand what's going on with my "changing body."

Interesting tidbits:
Sam Houston - opium addict and drunkard; took 5 days to get to San Antonio when it should've been a 2-day trip; refused to acknowledge the attack on the Alamo until he got there
David Crockett - "King of the Wild Frontier," uneducated politician who got where he was on wit and charm, from Tennessee, NOT Texas
Santa Anna - invented chewing gum when he was exiled from Mexico

The Poem created by Kelly, Charlie, and myself:
I really like to eat,
Except things that smell like feet.
Ice cream is yummy,
But cold in my tummy.
When it moves to my colon,
It makes my intestines all swollen.
My intolerance to dairy
Then becomes VERY scary.
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