So, I was thinking a few days ago, as I was trying to fall asleep (because, oh, how I suck at falling asleep), about
miana_dude's recent list of fandoms and abbreviations and if there was anything else I could add to it. The only thought that popped into my head was that "mpreg" wasn't on there. My next thought was that mpreg wasn't limited to a particular fandom and, hell, it wasn't even limited to non-SW fic: I'm sure there are fics where Luke or Han get pregnant somewhere. Haven't ever seen one, but, to be fair, I don't go looking.
Then another thought occurred to me (and I completely descended away from the whole point of NSWFF): I don't believe there's any specific rules regarding mpreg on the JC; it isn't even listed in the Archive's lexicon (might be something to add at some point ...). At the same time, I've never, ever seen an mpreg fic on the JC.
So, humph, I wonder. Is mpreg just so connected with slash that it is not on the JC by silent consent? Or is it something else? (I would argue that technically you can have a man pregnant without being in a homosexual relationship, as one in no way precludes the other in a logical sense.) Or is there a rule I'm missing? Or is there fic posted on the JC that my eyes automatically graze over to avoid causing my poor mind irreversible trauma?
*points at new Mutt!icon.*