Title: The Devil’s Joke - Chapter 1
Rating: Nc-17 (overall)
Characters: Canada, America, England, France, North Italy, Prussia, Spain, South Italy, and a few others. This also includes their dark (or merely unfortunate) counterparts in the other world.
Pairings: Canada/America, Canada/others, Germany/Italy (other pairings, etc.)
Warnings: This story follows both the regular, light-hearted hetalia!universe as well as the dark alternate universe it crosses over with. Having said that, be prepared for a little violence, suggested dub-con/non-con, hate!sex, and a bit of language... It’s a psychological twist. My apologies.
Disclaimer: The rightful owner would never, in their right mind, treat these beloved characters as horrendously as I do...
Summary: Somewhere through the looking glass, Mephistophelian shadows stir...and they yearn for Matthew like nothing they’ve ever craved before.
chapter one )