Looking for: 1x1 America/Canada (Canada/America) Role-play
AIM: Hysteria1982
I play: America
Looking for: Canada
Rating: G to NR-17 (be 18+ years old please)
Genera: Mainly humor. Some awkward 'Bromance' or PWP is acceptable too. I'd rather not do AUs with these two, but I don't really want to get to political either... more along the lines of what they do on their days off.
How I play my character: I view America similar to a young college student out on his own for the first time. While he has a good heart, he's demanding, over bearing, and often rude without meaning to simply because he speaks/acts before he thinks. While Alfred isn't dumb (he's great with math, computers, and mechanical engineering) he lacks a certain amount of common sense and doesn't feel the need to fill his head with useless stuff he'll never use (aka geology, history that doesn't involve him, etc).
While America honestly does want to be the world's hero, he is still a politic. Al still has a hard time lying (though he's getting better) but he has mastered delayed tactics and playing dumb for his benefit while looking completely innocent.
Hi there~
I'm looking for someone who's been in the mood to RP Canada. While I don't have any really plots thought out (few vague ideas) I really do enjoy the brotherly aspect of the two and would like to have them bicker, tease, and general drive each other crazy like siblings are prone to do. Since I see the two as siblings and neither America or Canada is really for the whole 'incest thing' I'd rather any sort of relationship they have beyond brotherly to maybe stay a secret between the two and be a bit awkward.
Also, I know Canada seems timid and overly polite all, but I really would like to play with a non-wimpy Canada. Polite? yeah. Easy going? Sure! Complete and utter wimp all of the time? .... just not much fun to interact with. I'm looking for someone who plays Canada where he puts up with a lot of his brother's crap, but will eventually blow up at him. I've had some say that's OC for Canada but considering he made America cry in cannon and the fact that he's the second largest land mass (if america had super strength when he was a baby because he had such a big land mass and resources, Canada shouldn't be a complete be that weak....) should let him stand up for himself and put his foot down sometime.
RP samples: (sorry... haven't done any America/Canada Rps so I only have US/UK & Austria/male!Hungary samples)
America (Alfred)
America: Nearly five years ago Alfred Jones had come to America rather unexpected from a stupid mistake on his own part and had found his way out to the western frontier three years back when it became clear that going home to England was simply not an option for a penniless teenager, but having a chance at a new future was - especially for a healthy, strong lad like himself. It turned out not to be as awesome as he thought it'd be but Alfred had made due and had survived, leaving his main problem being something as simple as being bored on slow days such as these, and forcing him to find amusement where he could.
“okay... so now? I just squeez... ah!”the young man's statement turned into a yip of surprise as the unexpected back lash caused him to stumble back, tripping into a pile of hay and ungracefully falling on his back side with a loud huff as the bullet ricocheted about, finishing it's path with a loud crash. Ignoring the mocking laughter of the other young men around him, Alfred used the tip of his smoking pistol to pushed the edge of his hat out of his vision and silently cussed at the sight of the shattered window of his new (and possibly only) competitor across the street from him. 'There's no way in hell this is going to go over well.' he thought to himself and was proven right at the loud rant that shortly followed.
The gang scattered, leaving Al to deal with the fuming shop keep alone. Shuffling to his feet, he tried to brush off the dirt and stray strands of hay from his clothing in hopes of making himself more presentable in front obviously Englishman -despite the loud ringing in his ear from the gun shoot, he could clearly make out the strong, familiar accent that sent a pang of old homesickness through him - and blinked dumbly at the blurry sight of the pale white man marching towards him.
“Holy shit! A ghost!” Alfred shouted much too loudly thanks to his temporary deafness and jumped back a foot at the mention of his name and began to wave his hands as if frantically trying to shoo him away. “I didn't mean to kill you, it seriously was an accident! Please don't haunt me!” came his panicky yelled, the man's complaints pushed to the back of his short attention span at this new development.
England: Whirling in anger, Arthur couldn’t quite decide what he should be the most upset about: the fact that his store had been shot at, or the fact that his absentee charge didn’t recognize him. Then again, he was covered in a rather impressive layer of flour… He was struck suddenly by the overwhelming desire to grab ahold of Alfred’s shoulders and shake the absolute bloody stupid out of him. In fact, in his great cacophony of emotion at seeing Alfred after so long, and again that whole ‘shot at’ incident, he couldn’t quite suppress the urge and advanced on the cowering young man. He shook him vigorously while biting out, “I am not a ghost you bloody idiot but I am covered in flour thanks to your ridiculous stunt!” He let go of the young man’s shoulders and threw his hands up into the air in exasperation and leaving behind twin hand prints of flour.
“Five years!” Arthur raged, more to himself this time, “Five years I looked for him and he was in America! How in the bloody hell did he get to America!?” He turned on Alfred once again after finally succeeding in shaking most of the flour off of him, although he would need a good long bath to completely free himself from the white mass, “What were you thinking?” he asked and somehow managed to cover several topics at once through that single question. He wanted to know what he was thinking shooting his gun in the streets, he wanted to know what he was thinking when he ran away, and he wanted to know what he was thinking when he wound up in the United Bloody States of America.
America: The surprise fright of suddenly seeing a ghost turned to dumb founded shock as Al was grabbed by his collar and shaken roughly by the smaller man. While a fine layer of powder still covered his feature up this close it was impossible for Alfred not to recognize those features he had known for so many years... and let's face it, bad eye sight or not, there was no way he'd not recognize eye brows like that!
“Arthur? Oh shit!?” he exclaimed then quickly clamped both hands over his mouth out of old habit upon realizing who he had just swore in front of. He felt a wave of relief feel him when his guardian went into a rant that he wasn't sure he was suppose to respond to or not (just like old times) and didn't seem to realize what he had said, then just felt childish when he realized what dumb thing he was threatening over when there was obviously bigger issues to deal with.
Alfred had no idea what Arthur was doing here considering he out right told him he was never going to leave his beloved homeland of England, but he really didn't care. He had missed the man though he hadn't remembered how much until he stood their pacing in front of him in one of his common fits. It took all of his will power not to rush up and hug the man - he was a grown man, not some little baby any more after all- but after swallowing down the lump in his throat, he forced on a toothy grin and scratched the back of his head awkward.
“heh... well, I certainly didn't think you'd be leaving that island of your's, that's for sure.” he joked nervously, trying to sound cool and calm and collect and mocho... like a cowboy. And cow boys didn't break down in tears telling their father figure how much they had missed them.
Austria (Roderich)
Austria: The notes came sharp, quick, and loud, - just as the chaotic piece he had selected required - only to stop suddenly. Roderich cursed softly in german, frustrated with a mistake no one else would ever notice, and pushed his glasses up with a huff. Demanding perfection from himself, he took a deep breath and began playing again, for what must have been the 100th time that day.
Male!Hungary: Many knew that finals were a week away, but still they were studying and that's exactly what Elek was doing. He studied for all his classes, never choosing one to be more important than the other. When he entered the room hours earlier he was glad to see that his roommate had the same idea. And when the studying ended and Roderich continued to play, Elek danced around behind him, always finding great pleasure and a surge of energy just from watching the other play. But now it was nearing 3am and Elek had class in five hours. Groaning he turned onto his side to look as his roommate. "Come on. It's perfect, just go to sleep."
Austria: The music halted again as Roderich jerked, and twisted around around to glare across the smallish room at his roomie who he had completely forgotten about till he had spoke just a moment ago.
"If it was perfect, I wouldn't have to keep repeating it, now would I?" he snapped, frustrated that his beloved piano was giving him such hardships and embarrassed to realize that someone had been listening to his 'crude' mistakes.
Huffing once for good measure, he turned back around. Grabbing the sheet music, he held it close to his face as he squinted to reread the notes in the dark room before giving it yet another try