Apr 08, 2009 19:52
I am so sore. After working out today, we decided to do some laps in the pool; then headed to the hot tub to relax. We are always in there over the ten minutes rule-yesterday an hour, today almost an hour. Time passes differently when you are relaxing then when you are doing cardio.
I'm debating on watching the Dragonball Evolution movie Friday...I want to see it because I'm a fan, but I'm scared to see it because I know they ruined it. Why couldn't Micheal Bay be a part in making it.
Fast & Furious~was awesome!!!! I don't know anyone who watched it Friday who hated it well maybe Kurt, but he hates everything that seems to be really popular.
Anyone who is going to AZ this year if you are going to see Seki-sama you better make sure you plan around his panel since he is only there on Friday.
Just two more days to work and I have a three day weekend. If it is raining on Saturday I'm putting my trip off until the following Sat. (hopefully Dee didn't forget to change the days back to how I had them scheduled).
Kathy-chan tanjoubi omedetto!!!! I know it's early demo I don't know when I will be back on here. Let me know what you want for the big day. My schedule is up in the air for the following week so it will be posted once it is fixed.