The tears fall, they're so easy to wipe off onto my sleeve...

Jun 03, 2020 00:27

[Character Name]  Jinana
[Canon] Digital Devil Saga
[Point Taken from Canon] Post Death

[Age] Adult
[Gender] female
[Sexual Orientation] argillasexual asexual with possible homosexual leanings

[Eye Color] Green
[Hair Color] Green
[Height] 5'6
[Other] red blood/tear drop tattoo under her right eye and 
on her right butt cheek.
[Clothing] She wears a lot but it covers little.

[Background] Jinana was leader of the Maribel Tribe which held claim to the territory of Manipura. They were not the strongest tribe, but they were certainly not the weakest.  Their numbers had been depleted by repeated attacks by the Solids, and because of their members loosing control over their new demon selves and attempting to devour each other.

Serph and the others from the Embryon Tribe approached Jinana with a proposition to form an alliance between their two trbes for a joint attack on the Solids. Jinana was hesitant at first, and she told them that they would have to fight their way to her to prove they were worthy of fighting along side the Maribel. When they made it through, she had them fight he second in command, Bat. She eventually agreed to the treaty after seeing Argilla's compassion towards Bat after his defeat,  and her desire not to kill needlessly.

Jinana came up with a plan to attack the Solid's Citadel from the front while a small unit from the Embryon went in through the back to take out Mick. The plan was working perfectly until Bat betrayed Jinana and told Mick of their plans and Jinana's weakness. While this troops distracted the Embryon, Mick was ready and attacked the Maribel at the front gate. Unfortunately, Jinana was weak from hunger because she refused to devour any of the fallen soldiers, so Mick was able to overpower her with little effort.

As soon as they learned about Bat's betrayal, they rushed to help but it was too late. Jinana was hurt and starving, she lost control of her demon and attacked, but was ultimately defeated. As she lay dying, Argilla began to cry and begged her to return to Muldahara with them. Jinana was amazed at seeing tears, and Argilla's emotions struck a chord in her and awakened her own, turning her eyes from slate gray to green.  She was too badly injured and ended up bleeding to death, but she died happily because she was able to call Argilla her comrade.

[Personality] As the leader of the Maribel, Jinana managed to keep the tribe from being overtaken by the Solids. Jinana herself is a strong soldier and has a strong strategic mind. She displays a great deal of honor, refusing to kill needlessly. She views the atma as a curse, and was saddened by the suffering it caused her people.

She can seem contemplative at times, emotions are still new to her and were only a transient thing until meeting Argilla, whom she quickly seemed to develop a bond with.  She doesn't have much understanding of what it really means to be human, but like everyone she has been getting the vaguest fragmented bits of memory of a former life. It comes in bits and pieces sometimes,  though nothing concrete and it usually ends up making her more confused. The phrase "God has cursed us all" just appeared in her mind, for example. She didn't actually understand what it meant, but she knew there was truth behind it. Vocabulary is a very sporadic thing, sometimes the word may be there but not it's definition, or vice versa, especially when it comes to trying to figure out emotion.

[Specialties/Abilities] Like everyone else in the Junkyard, Jinana was cursed with the ability to turn into a demon. Her Atma brand is called Aurora and it's located on her right butt cheek. She turns into the demon Usas(goddess of light and dawn in Hindu myth) who's body looks like it was mostly comprised of braided and folded green and red ribbons.

She has an attack called Whirlwind where she spins like a tornado and attacks whatever enemies are around her, and a skill called Seraph's Lore which drains enemies of the vast majority of their hit points.  She was also shown to have some hunting, force, and expel abilities.

Given that the Junkyard's entire existence was designed to create the perfect soldier, she is proficient in many different weapons and firearms, and hand to hand combat. And since we don't know what her main weapon is, I'm going to run with blades, like Bat. They seem to suit her more then firearms, but that's just my personal opinion.

[Affection] Any attempt is allowed but her reaction would depend on the situation. If she doesn't know you well, she might let you get away with touching her in a 'hand on shoulder/arm' sort of way, anything more then that and you might end up shanked. She might not agree with senseless killing but she's not beyond a righteous ass kicking if warnings are not heeded.

[Fighting] Fighting s fine, injuring is fine if can be pulled off. Killing we'd have to talk about it. She won't go down easy in any event. She's not the type to start a fight, but she'll finish it. It would take some gargantuan reason for her to actively seek someone out. *BAT cough BAT*

profile meme, ooc

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