Guilty Happiness....

May 21, 2013 16:00

Hi everyone! =D
how are you!?

so i've been savin for some time cuz i was thinking of buying the JUMPing 08-09 DVD
you see, i've never buy online before cuz it's very expensive with all the shipping carges and also cuz i was all scared about getting my money stolen or that the things that i buy will get lost or damage... so i don't own any single or album or DVD or goods from HSJ T.T

but finaly i was able to save enough money and get over my paranoia and fear of online shopping (thanks to haruyama5993) =D... and since i love that DVD so much, i choose to buy it first... or thats what i thought

but the exact day when i was going buy it i found out obout the new JUMP single!! ahh i was so happy *o*
so i went to CDJapan and it wasn't that expensive! so i decided to buy it too... but then i saw the limmited editions!... i wanned them too but i didn't have enough money for the J08-09 and the 3 singles... so in the end....


hahahaha my hand moved by it self and just did it! ahhhh i was so excited! i think i can save again to buy the DVD later XD
but then i realized that i spend a LOT of money... more than i had planed... and i felt kind of guilty =/

but i don't care anymore!! i just can't wait to have them on my hands!!!!
hope they'll get safe to me...

i'm so happy that i just wanned to tell everyone hehe X3

well that's all!
(i'm super hipper right now!)

see you guys around! ;D <3

newsingle, comeonamyhouse, hsj

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