"Life goes on with or without you..."

Sep 29, 2011 19:06

So yesterday was the last day of working at my nanny job. I mentioned to the family that I would be leaving at the end of the month...but the entire time, I was wondering if I was making the right decision. I kept worrying, wondering if I should really leave. For some reason, it just never seemed like a good time. I felt like I kept getting all these signs saying, "Not yet. Don't leave yet." And I stayed, no matter how miserable I was over there, because it wasn't the right time for me to go yet. And even now that it's over and done, I'm wondering if I should have left...if this was the right thing to do. It doesn't help that the very week I'm leaving a nanny job, Disney's premiering a show about a girl who starts working as a nanny. When I first heard that, I thought for sure it was some kind of sign that I was making a big mistake.

But I've had a lot of time to think and pray about what I was doing, and...I feel that leaving was ultimately for the best. After reevaluating the decisions I made for leaving, and looking at my goals and dreams...at things I am certain of for the future, I believe that I really am making the right decision. I'm still a bit worried about being wrong. But reflecting on everything, I don't regret making this decision. That part of my life is done, and it's time to move on. I just hope that I can find what I'm looking for.

Plus, I still have the other job. But with student loans to pay off, I need to find another job...whee...

In other news, my Persona 4 addiction is reaching new heights. I spent a while last night looking for icons. Usually I'll hunt and save a bunch of icons, but I only use one icon of any particular fandom for an LJ icon; it's a habit from having limited icon space, and I didn't want to give any one fandom any special treatment or anything (yeah, weird, I know, but that's me). But this time, I'm using four Persona 4 icons on LJ, and I'm kind of cheating with them. One of them is official Persona 4 art/graphics, and the other three icons are from a fan-comic of the series. And two of those are pure text anyway, haha.

And I've got a bunch more story ideas for this. I'll need some time to sort through them before sharing them here, though.

Oh, and apparently, one of my favorite ships, Teddie/Nanako, is pretty uncommon and borderline crack. What, just because Nanako is seven and Teddie is a Shadow-created-by-human-thought who somehow gained an identity of his own allowing him to obtain his own Persona, and he returned to the TV world in order to protect it? Or is it that Teddie looks like a high schooler? Because age has never really stopped my ship from sailing (haha...puns...). This would be a perfect moment for my new "Pshaaw" icon if it weren't for the above non-Persona 4 stuff.

persona 4, icons, shipping, real life

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