Hey guys!

Jan 15, 2011 14:03

So now that we're halfway into the month, it occurs to me that I haven't really posted anything relevant to my life since the year started. I've had some journal entries, but nothing about what  I'm doing or anything. So I figure I should try to rectify this.

First, I'd like to apologize to you guys if I seem a little distant about your posts. I have been keeping up with my flist, and I have been reading what you guys are saying and what's going on in your lives. But I have some trouble commenting, especially if something's wrong. It's not that I don't care, it's just that I sometimes just don't know what to say. Please know though that I do read what you guys post, and you guys are always in my thoughts.

Next, since this is a new year, I'm going to try to start writing a little more than I really should have been. I usually have a hard time making resolutions, let alone keeping them, but I'm going to do my best to keep writing. This includes updating on my journal a little more.

One more thing. I know I've asked a lot about this before, and it hasn't usually done much good, but it couldn't hurt to try again. I'm planning on changing my journal layout, and I would love to have a banner at the top becaue I think those look really cool. The problem is, I'm not sure how to put a banner in my journal. If someone could help me, I would really appreciate it. Also, I'm planning on buying some more icon space, and I've got a few icons that I'm already planning on using. But I'm still looking for icons (including an icon of Loke from Fairy Tail *wink wink*), so I wouldn't mind if anyone has some they'd like to throw my way. =D

Anyway, that's about it. Later!

request, real life

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