Over the long weekend...

Nov 29, 2010 18:45

Heh well, despite the icon, today wasn't really that bad. I think I'm getting a little better with the nanny thing, so yeah.

Anyway, to those of my flist who celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving! My apologies that it's so late, but I was really busy this weekend myself. This is the first time I've gotten online at all in six days. Brief summary of what I did with my weekend.

I got home from my nanny job just in time to see the Ikea truck drive away after delivering the furniture we ordered. Then I goofed around and took a nap before making some last-minute preparations for dinner on Thursday. I wasn't too busy this day, to be honest, but the nap kind of threw me off, heehee.

Somehow I managed to sleep until early in the afternoon, then I helped with some last-last-minute stuff before my family had dinner while watching some movies on TV (most notably Snow White and Beauty and the Beast). After digesting for a while, we started building some of the furniture we got from Ikea, and then I had dishes to wash. By then it was late, so I just went to bed.

Slept in for a while again, then waited until later when some of my family (myself included) went to volunteer at a local soup kitchen, Paz de Cristo. We helped prepare and serve dinner. Got home, watched the new Young Justice movie (I loved it so much...and I don't care what anyone says, Jesse McCartney voicing Robin is awesome). Then helped a little with building more furniture, and went to bed.

Started building the furniture for my room (I have a bed and a headboard), which took most of the day. I had to stop later when my family went to church, and then afterwards my little brother and I went to a friend's birthday party. A bunch of people were dressing up in their Halloween costumes, so I got to wear my Tails hat while my brother dressed up as Ethan from Pokemon HGSS again. We hung out with our friend for a few hours, then went back home so I could finish building my furniture. Finished that, played some Donkey Kong for the SNES for, then called it a night and slept in my new bed.

Spent the whole day just reorganizing my room. With the furniture all built, I no longer had an excuse for not emptying the boxes with all my stuff that I left while we were moving. So I cleaned up, putting or throwing stuff away, while dusting in between and vaccuuming the floor at the end. Played a little more Donkey Kong, then my family lit the Advent wreath before I went to bed early because I had work the next day.

So yeah. That's how my weekend went. Overall, it was pretty good. Now it's time to go through my email and livejournal flist. It's been six days though, so....wish me luck...

holiday, real life

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