It's all about memes

May 10, 2010 13:55

Just because they're fun, and I'm not doing anything important anyway ^^;

First one up is a writing meme I got from shiny_pichu. I've wanted to do it for a while, but I was busy over the weekend.

01. What was the last thing you wrote?
Hmm...I'm not entirely sure. It was either the most recent chapter for my Road Rovers story, or it was the drabbles for the recent disney_uberland drabble challenge.

02. Was it any good?
People said they were, so I'll take their word for it... ^^;

03. What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have?
The very first story I ever wrote was a horrible, dreadful Mary-Sue story for DBZ. It's awful, but I still have it. Why? I don't know.

04.Write poetry?
Yeah, I dabbled in poetry for a while. That was years ago, though...unless you want to count some haikus I wrote for disney_uberland some time back.

05. Angsty poetry?
Sure, I've done that.

06. Favourite genre of writing?
Let's see...I like a lot of drama with a nice helping of angst. I also like to dabble in romances. I think my favorite would have to be touching friendship or family pieces, though.

07. Most fun character you ever wrote? the moment, I'd have to say Exile from Road Rovers. The show didn't really have a lot of development for most of the characters, so I'm having fun speculating and trying to get a deeper grasp about him.

08. Most annoying character you ever wrote?
Um...probably Mikey from TMNT. Don't get me wrong, I love him, but he's just so hard to write for. He's the reason I'm still stuck on "Within this Nightmare", because I just cannot figure out what to do with him.

09. How often do you get writer's block?
......I think the better question here is "How often do I not get writer's block?" That might be an easier number to count =/

10. How do you fix it?
I let the story rest for a bit, then try to get back into the feel of it by watching some shows or practice writing, just to force myself to write again.

11. Write fan fiction?
That's pretty much all I write.

12. Do you type or write by hand?
Both. I usually like to write the thing by hand first, just to get a general idea of what I want to say in the story. Then I go to type it up, and it gives me a chance to reword and tweak it so it sounds better. It's a bit of a longer process, but it helps me think, and I believe it's worth it in the end.

13. Do you save everything you write?
Yeah...for some reaon...

14. Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?
Yeah, I've done that before.

15. What's your favourite thing that you've written?
At the moment, I think my favorite thing I've written is my Sailor Moon/Yu Yu Hakusho crossover. I have no idea why, but I love that thing, and I'm not even done with it yet.

16. What's everyone else's favourite thing that you've written?
*looks through reviews* Well...judging by the average number of reviews a story gets per chapter, I'd say...a KND songfic I wrote a long time ago called "Dear Diary". Just the fact that it's a oneshot that has almost 70 reviews might indicate that. Heck, sometimes I still get reviews for it (which I don't get, because looking back on it now, it's pretty bad ^^;; ).

17. What's your favourite setting for your characters?
Would it be weird if I say in their own minds? My favorite thing to do with characters is to have them thinking or reflecting on something, and they can do that anywhere.

18. What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will?
Horror. Don't like horror...don't wanna write horror...

19. How many writing projects are you working on right now?
Actively working on? I'd say about three...but there are a lot more on the backburner.

20. Do you want to write for a living?
Yeah, that'd be nice. But I'm not sure if I'm good enough for that (despite what people tell me ^^;; )

21. Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?
Mmm...yeah, when I was in high school. Nothing since then, though.

22. Have you ever won an award for your writing?
....Does an online one count? ^^; Because I got a second-place banner for one of my haikus once...

23. Ever written something in script or play format?
Does a rewritten scene from Hamlet count?

24. What are your five favourite words?
Thoughtfully. Love. Wonder. Try. Believe.

25. What character that you've written most resembles yourself?
Hmm....maybe Sabrina from Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness...except she's way better than I am ^^;;

26. Where do you get ideas for your other characters?
Well, I can get ideas by watching the show or movie where the character came from and noticing something in a scene or an episode. Or I can get an idea from something I've read somewhere, or something I've seen people talk about, or a song, a game...Gosh, I can get an idea from a lot of things ^^;; Sometimes it drives me crazy.

27. Do you ever write based on your dreams?
Hmm...I think I have, but I'm not sure. I don't really remember my dreams, though, so I'm not sure if I dreamt something I've written or not. XD

28. Do you favour happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?
I generally like happy endings, but I've been known to use sad endings or cliff-hangers once in a while.

29. Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
Oh yes. Definitely. I mean, I'm not perfect, but I do my best to fix any errors I notice.

30. Does music help you write?
Sure. I love listening to music while I write. Sometimes, songs even help me get a feel for a scene when I'm writing.

31. Quote something you've written. The first thing to pop into your mind.
Eh, I'll just use one of the recent drabbles I wrote:

He fell quiet, letting the familiar speech die. He knew it doesn't matter anymore what a Prince 'does not' do. Because he'd already broken that rule.

A Prince does not let fear stop him from acting. But he'd let it. Fear pushed his son away when they were getting too close. Fear stopped him from being more than just the Great Prince.

And now, his fear of losing another loved one was coming true.

It was too late now, as he gently stroked his son's still form, but he let all a father's emotions escape him in a single tear.

And now, an icon meme!

1. Reply to this post, & I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including this info) & talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

So I replied to two different people, so they both picked icons for me to talk about.

jamie_love13 picked these icons:

And bringthefate picked these:

Since two of the icons are the same, I'm just gonna talk about all ten under one cut.

I'll talk about the two that both of them chose first.

made by me. I was watching an SRMT episode one day, and for some reason, I really wanted an icon of Otto doing this pose. When I asked my older sister what caption I should use, she gave me that quote from The Fairly Oddparents (Trixie Tang, anyone?). I mostly use it when I'm feeling really silly or goofy. It's all in good fun.

from neongraphics. I love Luigi, and I really wanted an icon of him. I was really happy when I found this one. I use this icon when I'm feeling accomplished, or I've done something I'm proud of (V is for Victory!).

made by always_a_boom. This is my default icon, and I use it a lot when I'm leaving a comment on people's journals (as I'm sure some people have noticed). I just love Belle, and Beauty and the Beast, and this icon was just lovely. Plus, I like daydreaming a lot, so the "dream a little dream" really spoke to me. Heh...

made by me. This image of Kurama was just too cute not to use. I use this icon when I'm relaxed, or nothing's really going on. Not really that I'm bored or anything, but just a content laziness or something.

made by t0ra_icons. This comes from one of the animated shorts based on the 2003 TMNT cartoon, and I just love Donnie's expression. It's the perfect icon I use when I'm just a little annoyed and feel the need to express myself in a similar manner.

made for me by netbug009, because I asked her to and she's awesome like that. =D This image of Grovyle is actually from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, The Lost Adventure of Time and Darkness anime special. The picture here is from my favorite scene in the episode, so I really wanted an icon of it. And netbug009 was nice enough to make it for me (and a bunch of other icons too ^^), because she's way better at making icons than I am. I'm not really sure yet what to use this icon for, but I'll figure something out. Maybe if I'm feeling optimistic or hopeful or something, or I'm just in a good mood.

made by me. I just love Exile's expression there, and decided to make an icon of it. When my brother saw it, he thought the "I hate Mondays" was appropriate for the picture. So I went ahead and used it. And, being the lame person that I am, I only use this on Mondays, no matter how I'm feeling that day. Heheh.

made by me. This was back when I still had Adobe Photoshop and could make animated icons. It's not that great, really, but I still kept it. I use it when I just can't help myself and do something about it. Whether I'm posting more than one entry, having a little too much fun, writing a lot, or even if I'm a little upset and let out my emotions.

made by my older sister. This image of Vector is from one of the more recent Sonic the Hedgehog comics. While we were reading the comic, there was a situation that received that expression, and it was just hilarious. So my sister made the icon, and I...borrowed it from her (lol she knows, I swear). I use this icon when...well, the WTF speaks for itself, I think.

from neongraphics. Thanks to my Sailor Moon/Yu Yu Hakusho and finally being able to read Codename: Sailor V, I've developed a deeper respect for Minako/Sailor Venus. And one day, during one of my more Sailor Moon-ish moments, shiny_pichu sent me a link to a bunch of Sailor Moon (or rather, Sailor Venus) icons, which is where I got this one. I use it when I'm feeling really happy and excited, or if I'm having a fangirl-ish moment.

And that's about it.

meme, writing, icons

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