So yeah...

Apr 09, 2010 11:14

So I realize that it's been a little more than a month since I've been in Australia, and I haven't really talked about anything I've done here. I really should do that, and I'll write a more detailed post about my trip thus far later. But right now, I wanna mention something that happened last night.

So yesterday, I went to the mall for the Pop Culture Club at the Borders down there (it's really more like an Anime/Manga club, but we're starting to talk about other pop culture stuff like comics and movies). But I was about two hours early, because that was the only time my aunt had to drop me off. So I'm wandering the mall a bit to kill time, when I see this massive playtpus....

Well, yeah, it's a guy in a platypus suit, but still. And he was just wandering the mall with this one lady (she was pretty much guiding him lol), and giving hugs to little kids who wanted to hug him. And at that moment, two thoughts came to mind:

  1. I wish people would walk around in platypus costumes back home...
  2. He needs a fedora....


Yeah, so the real reason for the entry is only to show off my shiny new Grovyle icon. Thanks netbug009 for making it for me!

pokemon, icons, real life

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