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Jul 05, 2012 00:45

So, every Wednesday, I spend an hour in the chapel at my church in Adoration. And this morning (or rather, yesterday morning), I still had some time after I finished my usual set of prayers. So I found a bible that the church leaves for people visiting the chapel, and I opened it to a random page. And this is what it said:

Song of Songs 3: 1-5

Loss and Discovery

On my bed at night I sought him
whom my soul loves-
I sought him but I did not find him.

“Let me rise then and go about the city,
through the streets and squares;
Let me seek him whom my soul loves.”
I sought him but I did not find him.

The watchmen found me,
as they made their rounds in the city:
“Him whom my soul loves-have you seen him?”

Hardly had I left them
when I found him whom my soul loves.
I held him and would not let him go
until I had brought him to my mother’s house,
to the chamber of her who conceived me.

I adjure you, Daughters of Jerusalem,
by the gazelles and the does of the field,
Do not awaken or stir up love
until it is ready.

It was...one of those things I needed to hear (or read) right when I needed it.

god, real life

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