Chosen from Chaos - Ch. 4

Apr 01, 2012 00:30

Title: Chosen from Chaos
Chapter: 4
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog/Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! crossover
Character(s): Knuckles the Echidna, Chiro
Genre: Drama, action/adventure, angst, some romance, friendship
Rating: K+/PG
Disclaimers: Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! © Ciro Nieli
Notes: This was a...really weird idea I had one day, a long long time ago. I'm not sure why, other than I had just gotten into SRMT so I wanted to write about it all the time, and I was a really big Sonic the Hedgehog fan, so for some reason the crossover at the time made sense in my head. I don't...even know.

And again, I wrote this a really really long time ago. Like...Sonic Adventure 2 long time ago. So all the Sonic-related stuff takes place after that, pre-Sonic Heroes. In fact, none of the Sonic games after SA2 happened in this story and is directly a year after SA2, so it's kind of AU I guess. And in SRMT, it's kind of...after the war with Skeleton King, so...yeah...convenient. I'll stop now.

Summary: Dr. Eggman's newest plan is not only a threat to his world, but to another. And things get personal for the Hyperforce when the evil scientist takes some of their own.

[Chapter 3]

Something heavy hung over the area. He felt it in the air, sensed it in the gentle breeze that blew overhead. It seeped under his skin and into his bones, causing a strange chill to resonate through his body. It certainly held an ominous, almost dangerous atmosphere, and it was trying to warn him of something. An important event would take place soon…and not knowing what that event would entail or when exactly it would occur was what really bothered him.

That's why Knuckles knew he couldn't leave the Master Emerald…not now.

He knew that he had promised Sonic and the others that he would head down to meet them sometime (but how he had ended up promising such a thing, he still wasn't sure). And he wasn't the type to back out on his word. He was certain that they were waiting for him down below, wondering he was doing and why it was taking so long for him to join them. But he couldn't leave the island yet. Not with this foreboding sensation hovering around the Master Emerald. As Guardian, it was his sacred duty to ensure its safety. Until then, until he felt everything was secure and the emerald would be safe, he would simply have to postpone his plans to taking the trip to the surface. They would just have to wait a little longer before they could see him.

And honestly, if they were so anxious to see him, why didn't they just come up to Angel Island?

Folding his arms across his torso, he sighed softly and glanced up at the glistening stars above. No…he knew exactly why they didn't visit him up on the island. Or at least he had developed a certain reason why it might be so. Perhaps Sonic would never have considered this idea, but Tails might have. Then again, maybe the hedgehog could have come up with it on an unconscious level.

While on the island, he was Knuckles the Guardian above anything else…even above friends. Within the presence of the sacred jewel, he had to place aside everything that was not related to his responsibilities…Not the best environment for entertaining visitors.

When did it happen? So many years ago, it was never an issue whether or not Angel Island was suitable for outsiders. And in truth it still shouldn't be. The floating isle was meant to be isolated from the rest of the world so that the Master Emerald would be kept out of the hands of anyone who would abuse its great power. If foreigners did set foot on the island, it was his job to protect the emerald. And many years ago, he had been perfectly fine with that. It had always been his duty, and he had never questioned it or felt uncertain about what he was doing.

Until a few years ago, watching over the Emerald had been his entire life. He had never had to worry about feeling…lonely.

Tapping his thumb on his arm, he scowled at the sky. There were times when he missed his younger days as a protector, when he had never had any contact with anyone. Before the days when Sonic and Dr. Eggman entered his life and turned it into the complicated mess it has currently become. He missed not having to wonder what the people he knew were doing below him, or thinking about what other adventure with them might be like (because lately, the Master Emerald just always seemed to be involved in situations, forcing him into action). He missed when his life was just the simple life of a secluded guardian on the elusive Angel Island.

His old, simple, secluded…boring life.

Furiously he shook his head. 'No!' he chastised himself. 'I should never think that way. Guarding the Master Emerald is a crucial responsibility that requires my constant and immediate attention. Amusement and entertainment has nothing to do with me…

'But if the island and everything in it is so elusive and unknown…why does it need someone to watch over it?'

As soon as he realized that the thought flitted through his mind, he groaned softly and buried his face in the palm of one of his hands. That was the exact thing that Sonic said to him once before, back when things were still somewhat tense between after their initial meeting and confrontation. Even after Sonic had helped retrieve the Master Emerald from Eggman, there was still some suspicion between them. No longer hostility…just some awkward tension.

During an impromptu visit (which Knuckles had been convinced was just to pester him and distract him from his task), Sonic had posed that particular question about Angel Island's need for a guardian. At the time, Knuckles hadn't given him an answer. He had never given the question much thought because it was a ridiculous topic that didn't merit his concern. But now, as the treacherous thought replayed in his mind, he began to understand the truth.

He had somehow become corrupted by the carefree hedgehog.

Primarily, Sonic's easy-going, laidback attitude agitated him to his deepest core, more than anything he had ever felt before. He didn't care for the younger teen's lack of responsibility and seriousness, instead treating everything like it was a game for his own personal amusement. And as hard as he tried to, he simply couldn't understand the hedgehog's lack of commitment to anything; always on the move, always on the run, always searching, never stopping. Perhaps it wasn't so much the case these days (so far as he had heard), but it had been like that just a sparse year ago.

Still, even with Sonic's annoyingly restless personality, Knuckles couldn't prevent the envy that had developed over the years of his alliance with the hedgehog…the envy that had been unwittingly planted deep within him since their initial contact. Sonic's freedom to come and go as he pleased, to travel anywhere he wished to, to converse with anyone he met along the way…to pretty much do anything he wanted to. Such a luxury was one that Knuckles had never had a chance to know, not even the brief time when he left Angel Island and helped the Chaotix. The echidna couldn't speak with anyone, he certainly couldn't go anywhere…all he could do, all he was generally allowed to do was stay and guard the Master Emerald.

And Knuckles wasn't sure which he disliked more: Sonic's carefree life or his sudden uncertainty about his own fate. He wasn't sure just how he felt anymore about guarding the Emerald for the rest of his life.

A growl escaped from deep in his throat. Years ago, such thoughts and ideas would never have even crossed his mind. But now…was he really that dissatisfied with his lot in life?

Such blasphemous thoughts for a young Guardian…it was all Sonic's fault.

Allowing his massive hands to relax by his sides, the echidna tried to stifle a small yawn. He quickly glanced up at the moon, making note of its position in the sky as well as the stars that surrounded it. He knew it was growing rather late. Hesitating for a brief moment, he then succumbed to the second yawn attempting to pass his throat, stretching his arms above his head. Perhaps it was time for a little rest…to replenish his energy. He had a feeling that he would need it, after all, so a little sleep would probably be the best right now…

The guardian suddenly froze just as he had began to settle himself on the top step of the altar. An alarming sensation filled him, driving out any and all thoughts of sleep he had had just moments before. It was a cold and empty aura that chilled his bones, similar to the feeling he would get whenever a ghost was nearby.

Violet eyes quickly scanned the area. The haunting presence was close…very close. It seemed to be drawing nearer. Slowly he stood at full height, clenching his fists tightly and preparing for…anything.

The spirit was moving, and quickly at that. It was difficult even for him to pinpoint its exact location. He frowned deeply, knowing something wasn't right. The feeling, he realized now, was definitely a ghost, but somehow different from a real specter. The teen wasn't certain how that was, but it was still enough like a real ghost for him to feel, albeit with some difficulty. Closing his eyes, he focused all his concentration onto this strange presence.

After an eternity, the spirit finally settled in one place. There! Eyes snapping open, Knuckles whirled around, poised to attack.

For a moment afterwards, the guardian was unable to remove the puzzled expression on his features. He had been expecting to come across a ghost. Instead he found a strange-looking robotic monkey, its silver metal body reflecting the glow of the Master Emerald. The simian glanced at him, giving him a chance to study the dark cobalt orbs where eyes were. Something about the way those eyes looked…it just didn't feel right for some reason. The emptiness just seemed…out of place. Why he thought so, though, he wasn't sure.

What was even stranger was that the presence of the ghost he sensed earlier was no longer around. For some reason, it just disappeared.

He shook himself from confusion when he noticed the robot reaching for the Master Emerald. "Hey, get away from there!" he demanded. Charging his fists, he sliced through the air with a firm punch aimed at the machine. Crimson shockwaves forcefully erupted from the jab, condensing into a powerful energy that tipped his razor-sharp knuckles and prepared him for a crushing blow to the robot.

Or it would have if the simian hadn't jumped up and into the air, out of the way of his attack. The echidna stopped himself short, just barely in time to keep from shattering the Emerald. Then he turned to look at the creature that now hovered behind him.

He had seen robotic monkeys before…that wasn't anything new to him. But this one was certainly different from any of the others he had seen. The teen was familiar with the small, orange simians with elongated arms and legs, which were used to climb into high-up places. He was used to the monkeys with large hands that often threw bombs at any passerby. While the round heads were usually much larger than the also-round bodies, the small eyes and rounded ears on the side of the heads certainly made the robots more monkey-like, even with their short tails. And more often than not, a feral monkey was usually the animal roboticized within. So the machines were definitely monkeys.

But this one…was different. Still it was certainly a monkey, yet not like any of the ones he was accustomed to. The silver tail was much longer, plated with silver rings from halfway to the very tip. The legs were much shorter, as were its silver-plated arms with small hands (though the arms were still longer than its legs). Its silver body, still somewhat smaller than the head, was more rectangular and longer, decorated with an ebony torso. There were no rounded ears, replaced instead with antenna on each side of its face. On top of its head appeared to be a rounded silver and black helmet, tipped with a silver spike near the forehead. As if all that weren't enough, the simian had a jet pack that allowed it to stay airborne.

Still, though the design was much different, Knuckles knew that Eggman was behind this.

He watched warily as the silver monkey slowly descended and landed at the edge of the altar's steps. "Hand over the Master Emerald," it demanded in a deep, automated voice.

The guardian's eyebrow peaked. That was certainly unexpected. All of Eggman's previous simian machines only ever made monkey screeches and chittering. This was the first time one had ever spoken before…at least that he knew of.

But despite the mild, fleeting feeling of astonishment, he still answered the same way as he would have to anyone else who dared to pursue the Master Emerald. "Not a chance!"

"We can make this simple…or difficult," the simian spoke again. "It's your decision."

With a smirk, Knuckles cracked the joints in his hands. "Bring it on…It's been a while since I've seen some action," he responded, ignoring the echo of Sonic's flippant voice as the words left his lips.

He was met with a deep scowl set in the large cobalt eyes. "Have it your way…" it finally uttered, raising up its hands.

Watching curiously, Knuckles' eyes widened as the monkey's small metallic hands were completely enveloped in dark violet energy, which quickly accumulated into large violet dagger-like claws. Then with a low screech, the simian charged at him.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he vaguely sensed the presence of another ghost nearby. But he had no time to dwell on the matter as the robot swiped its sharp claws at his face. The echidna just barely managed to block the attack with one of his hands. The sharp nails tried digging into the back of his fist, and he could tell how it may have been a real destructive offensive, only imagining the damage it would do to the more vulnerable parts of his body. Fortunately, his stalwart fists were impervious to most physical blows…even the jagged tips of a strange mechanical monkey.

Tightly clenching his free hand, the echidna quickly thrust it in the simian's direction. Somehow, the creature blocked the large fist with both hands. But Knuckles smirked, grabbing the robot's arms and pulling it closer before delivering a blow to the side of its head which threw it back several meters.

Still the monkey managed to flip back and land on its hands and feet. Looking up at him, the simian glared, which the echidna met with a constant vicious grin. It's been a while since he had taken some time to hone his fighting skills. After all, he needed to be prepared for anything that might try to swipe the Master Emerald. Though he regularly took some time to harness his abilities, he had been slacking a bit lately. So, he concluded, he might as well make amends for his laziness by taking care of Eggman's new creation…enjoying it was just a small consequence.

Fists raised, the teen charged at the robot. It jumped up, but Knuckles shot his clenched hand towards it, one of his pointed namesakes scraping against the metallic leg. Hovering in the air for a moment, the simian then suddenly sprang forward and rapidly lashed its claws. The echidna blocked each movement blow for blow with his hands, feeling the dull sensation against his skin. Still, each swing from the monkey forced him a step back, allowing the automation to advance on him. He'd run out of space soon if he didn't take the offensive.

Blocking another swipe of violet claws, Knuckles then slapped them aside, clenching his other hand before delivering a swift blow at the unguarded body. As the robot recoiled, the guardian sped forward and quickly jabbed the monkey.

But the metallic creature somehow managed to recover, ducking as the large fist cut the air above its head. Its claw flung upwards, catching him by surprise as it tore the tip of his muzzle. He hissed softly, but stepped back in time to avoid the other set of claws and grab it in his hand. With his free fist, he struck at the monkey's body, stunning the machine long enough to release its arm and unleash a barrage of punches on the robotic body. With no time to defend itself, the simian was helpless against the flurry of Knuckles' fists.

Or so he thought until he felt a sharp pain across chest. Surprised, he jumped back as the monkey landed on its feet. Glancing down, the echidna noticed a dark mark beginning to form along the white band against his red fur. Looking up again, he saw in one hand the robot holding a curved violet blade. He hadn't even noticed it before, but he knew it didn't have one the entire time. When did the robot have time to get it? And from where?

What puzzled him more was that, even after the crushing attacks he had imposed, there didn't seem to be a scratch in the metal form. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought that he hadn't even touched the thing. How was that possible?

Scowling, the guardian then brought his fists up in a defensive position, beginning to charge his energy and channel the heat to his fists. It was a powerful attack that could destroy even the toughest creatures, but it took so much time to prepare that he often didn't have the opportunity to perform the task.

Luckily the robot didn't seem to be ready to make any sudden moves. It simply stood there, watching him, and almost seemed to be considering what to do next. And…if Knuckles didn't know any better…it looked like it was trying to catch a breath.

Then, his own breath caught in his throat when the robot's body was suddenly encased in the violet energy that its claws were made of. The silver metallic form disappeared, replaced by this translucent purple force that revealed the skeletal structure within. A shudder passed through the echidna's spine as he felt the presence of the ghost that he neglected earlier return and grow, and his eyes widened as the monkey slowly slid through the stone altar and disappeared.

"What the hell…?" he blurted, his eyes darting about. A ghost robot? How the hell does Eggman - or anyone for that matter - make a ghost robot?

Shaking off his initial shock, the guardian then closed his eyes to concentrate. If it was a ghost, then he should be able to sense it, right? He could feel its presence and track it down, just as he had been doing earlier before the robot appeared (in the back of his mind, he wondered if the spirit he sensed earlier had been the robot).

Soon he located the faint presence, following it as closely as he could. Then, with a small grin, the guardian spun around, blocking the claws that tried to strike at him. Grabbing the hand, he threw the robot to the side.

Flipping, the simian landed on its feet, turning its transparent face towards him. Knuckles suppressed another shudder as he stared at the now-violet monkey, seeing its internal structure (or at least part of it, he assumed). Mentally he made a note to never wonder about the insides of a robot ever again.

"Too bad…" the teen remarked. "If I had known you were part ghost, it would have been a lot easier for me. After all, finding ghosts isn't a problem for me."

With a smirk, Knuckles raised his fists once more, dropping into a fighting stance. "So c'mon, monkey. Ghost or not, I'll be sure to take you down."

"That's a lot of talk for a lonely guardian stuck on a deserted island."

Before he had time to react to the words, he felt the hard impact on the side of his face, sending him flying back and roughly sliding down the altar stairs.

His head hit the bottom step, causing his body to suddenly stop. He lay awkwardly at a slope, his head throbbing and the edge of the steps digging into his back. Groaning, he allowed himself to slide down the rest of the steps and lie in the soft damp grass to catch his breath. Then he slowly lifted his head up.

At the top of the steps, he saw what he figured to be the form of a young human girl, her gloved hands set on her hips. A gentle wind blew overhead, rousing strands of her cherry-pink hair and ruffling the tip of her white skirt. She stared down at him with a malicious smirk in her glowing emerald eyes, but the most notable feature that he saw was the cold metal where human skin should have been, reflecting the light of the moon.

Knuckles stared at her intently, his eyes wide and his mouth agape in horror. A robot girl? Was Eggman…roboticizing humans now?

"Hmm…" Eggman muttered, rubbing his chin ruminatively. "I wasn't aware that Knuckles was capable of detecting super natural beings…" After another minute of thoughtful silence, the man shrugged a bit. "No matter. Jinmay should be enough to handle him."
"What…what is that?" Turning slightly, the evil scientist glanced at the boy, staring at the mix of astonishment and curiosity in his eyes.

Turning back to the screen, he smirked slightly. "That…" he finally answered, pointing to the crimson figure as it rose to its feet, "is Knuckles the Echidna…guardian of Angel Island."

"That's the guardian?" Sprx asked. "Somehow I pictured him…different. Not a bad color for him, though…"

"Um…what's an echidna?" Otto wondered, looking at Gibson.

The chief of science frowned slightly, returning the gaze with a hint of disbelief. Now was not the best time to be asking such questions. Still, he answered, "A type of mammal that belongs to the monotreme family." He turned away before the other could ask what a 'monotreme' was. "But how is he…I mean, how can he…?"

"You didn't think your world was the only one that could have humans and sentient animals cohabitate one world, did you?" Eggman replied. "But then again, the only reason you monkeys are even sentient at all is due to your computerized brains. At least these creatures are this way because that's how they naturally are."

The blue monkey quickly shut his mouth. As much as he hated to admit it, the doctor had a point.

"But what's with his hands?" Nova asked. "Why are they so big?"

"You're really not one to talk, are you?" the man countered. She scowled at him before looking away, causing him to laugh. "That's a natural feature for him, traced back to his ancestors from many years ago. His massive hands and razor-sharp knuckles are his most powerful attribute which he uses to protect the island. Actually, I'm a little surprised that Antauri wasn't damaged at all after being on the receiving end of Knuckles' attacks."

Chiro sighed softly in relief. Even though his friend was being controlled and forced to help the evil doctor, he still didn't want to see Antauri get hurt. "This guardian…he wouldn't be the one who constantly foils your plans, would he?"

Eggman spun around, shooting a glare at him. The teen only replied with a cocky smile. If he couldn't do anything else, he could at least annoy the scientist a little. It was something at least. If only he could do more…

After a lingering moment, the mad genius finally broke the gaze and returned his attention to the monitor, watching as the guardian raced up the stairs towards the robot girl, fists raised for an attack. "Not usually," he finally answered. "He does happen to get involved at times, but he's not the one I intend to get rid of."

"So why are you after him then?" the red monkey asked, wincing a little as the echidna received a rather hard blow to the chest. "Why have Antauri and Jinmay attack him?"

"A few reasons, really. Firstly, I want to see just what your friends are capable of. Secondly, because even though Knuckles doesn't directly foil my plans, he is a main contributor and I can't let him get away with that. Most importantly though, is that it's necessary for my plans."

"What plans would those be?" the teen asked.

"You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" the doctor gave his taunting reply.

Chiro raised an eyebrow curiously. So far, the man had no problems boasting about everything he had done. And now he picks the time to keep quiet? "Why the secrets, doc?" he couldn't help but query.

The doctor turned to him again, this time appearing more than little startled. Why that was so, Chiro couldn't even guess. But then the large man turned away from him, never bothering to answer.

Turning his attention back to the screen, the teen watched as the guardian and Jinmay continued their struggle. The two seemed almost equally matched…except his girlfriend had landed more blows on her opponent than visa versa. He wasn't too sure, but he thought that the echidna seemed to be holding back a little.

Within him, the leader of the Hyperforce felt torn. He would never want Jinmay to get hurt, and if he was able to he would do whatever it took to ensure that she wasn't harmed. But in this particular battle…he knew that if she triumphed here, it meant that the evil doctor's plans would be that much closer to completion. Not to mention what her victory would mean to the poor guardian - Knuckles - who was only trying to do his job and protect his island.

And yet he found it difficult to wish for Knuckles to win. He just couldn't bring himself to do so…not with Jinmay being the one the guardian was fighting. He almost felt…guilty if he even considered rooting for the keeper of the island (he didn't even know the guy! How could he possibly choose someone he didn't know over his girlfriend?).

But he knew that at this point, his girlfriend couldn't win. If she did…he feared the results.

Knuckles knew that this did not bode well.

As he stood at the base of the altar steps, staring down the robot girl who met him with a fierce smirk, her iron fists deeply grinding into the palms of his own giant hands, he could feel the force that coursed through her body while she tried to overpower him. She was using all her strength, compelling him to do the same just so she wouldn't thrust him to the ground while at the same time trying to topple her. In the midst of their standoff, he could feel the eyes of the silver monkey watching them from the top of the stairs.

He had to admit that this robot girl was strong…stronger than most robots he had ever encountered. Her physical prowess made her a much more worthwhile opponent. In a normal fight, he'd say that they would be evenly matched.

As it stood now, however, that certainly wasn't the case. For absolutely no reason he could fathom, he had the strongest sense not to harm the girl. It wasn't because he refused to fight a girl; he had no aversion to the idea of fighting with a girl as long as she was the ones to attack first and was trying to seriously injure him or take the Master Emerald. And both conditions applied in this case, so it was justified that he fight back to protect himself and the gem.

But for some reason, the idea of grappling with this girl (robot, he had to remind himself continuously) just didn't feel right. Try as he might, he couldn't bring himself to cause her too much harm. Something about the entire situation was just wrong…like the empty feeling in the robot monkey's eyes. Something…just wasn't supposed to be.

Unfortunately, a consequence to his hesitancy was that this girl (robot!) didn't share his sentiments and had no trouble roughing him up. Her blows were quite painful, even for him. As it was, the reason for their current standstill was because he had grabbed her fists to prevent her from attacking, allowing him to recover from her last disorienting blow to his skull…among other injuries she had given him.

Each ragged breath he took painfully reminded him of the bruises that were already beginning to form along the more vulnerable parts of him (mainly his torso and stomach). Plus his earlier confrontation with the silver monkey had exhausted a good portion of his energy ('Only because I didn't expect to be fighting another robot!' he though to himself defensively), which didn't help his current predicament. But he couldn't give up. He wouldn't let these robots get their hands on the Master Emerald.

But what was he supposed to do? His energy was waning against a powerful robot girl that, for some inexplicable reason, he wasn't supposed to injure. Things…just weren't looking good for him.

Unfortunately, he realized that things would still get much worse as he finally noticed a soft glow just under the top of her white dress. Before he had a chance to move away, a pink heart-shaped beam shot out from the top of her chest and hit him directly at short-range.

The echidna couldn't prevent the scream that erupted from his throat as the energy of the beam burned at his body, setting fire to the already-sensitive wounds and casting him back several meters. But when the ray died, the girl smirked before racing forward and launching a full assault on the dazed guardian.

Still stunned by the pain of the sudden electric attack, Knuckles was unable to dodge her punches and kicks. All he was able to do was feel every blow as it impacted his frame, enduring each new, deeper laceration that was being carved over his other, still-fresh bruises, and the cut previously left behind by the robotic monkey. Even his hands, iron tough and roughened from years of fighting, were being damaged by the girl (robot).

Another fiery beam, this one more scorching than the first, struck the gash on his chest, ripping it open wider and igniting a burning pain within him, sending him crashing to the ground with an agonized cry.

He lay there for only a moment, feeling each breath pound through his form before he sensed the robot girl stand before him. The air suddenly became much colder as the heat surrounding him left, gathering into a center point. He knew she was charging another beam, and he shut his eyes tightly and waited for her to strike.

Except she never did. In fact, soon he sensed the heat disappear all too suddenly. Curious more than anything, Knuckles somehow managed to lift his head just enough to gaze up at her.

The robotic monkey was hovering at her side, its violet claws dissipated as a small silver hand rested on the girl's shoulder. "Jinmay," it said in a low warning tone, "we have our orders."

She pouted slightly. "Aw man…" she wined. "I was just getting to the real fun part!"

"We were told not to take things too far. The guardian is needed to commence with the second step of Dr. Eggman's plan."

'What…are they talking about…?' Knuckles puzzled as he listened to their conversation. Part of his confusion was due to his fading in and out with almost every other word.

"Yeah, yeah, I know…" the robot girl called Jinmay responded. "He just better do as Dr. Eggman expects."

"In any case," the simian stated, "we must get what we've come here for."

With a small nod, she followed the other robot up into the air and disappeared over the top of the stone altar. Following them with his eyes, the echidna watched as the two of them began to fly off, carrying the Master Emerald between them.

"N…n-no…" he tried to yell after them, but his weakened state only allowed him to rasp deeply. As the two machines flew farther away from the jewel's sanctuary, an intense tremor coursed through the island. Once they had left completely, Angel Island would once again fall into the ocean.

As much as he hated to admit it, he needed help. These robots were unlike any he had ever faced before, and with them at Eggman's side he couldn't retrieve the Master Emerald alone.

The ground beneath him shook violently as the Master Emerald's power was taken farther away. But Knuckles barely noticed. Only one thought was able to slip through his mind before the darkness finally claimed him: 'Must…get to…Sonic…'

"Yes!" Eggman exclaimed, pumping his fists as he jumped about excitedly. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!"

Chiro watched as the scientist began dancing through the room victoriously, scrunching his face in bewilderment. Was this man for real? An evil genius though he was, he was acting much more immature than most kids would behave. Glancing about and judging from the baffled expressions on their faces, he determined the Monkey Team was having as much trouble taking the doctor seriously as he was.

'Did other evil geniuses ever act this way?' the teen couldn't help but wonder. In the end, though, he decided it was best for him to never find out.

"Excellent!" the boy heard Eggman state. "That was much better than I could have hoped for! And now, the Master Emerald is mine!"

"You mean that glowing crystal thing?" Sprx asked, a touch of doubt in his tone. "What's so special about it?"

"Aha! That's where the fun begins!" Placing his hand on the consol, the doctor pushed a button and spoke, "Jinmay?"
"Yes, Dr. Eggman?" came the automatic reply.

"Give Antauri the Emerald. While he returns, I want you to stay for a while longer so we can watch the island."

"Yes, Dr. Eggman." The image on the screen was stilled for a moment. Then it was turned back to Angel Island as the mass of land rocked unsteadily in the sky. The Hyperforce watched on, eyes wide, when the island began to plummet.

"What's happening to it?"" Nova exclaimed.

"Without the Master Emerald, Angel Island wasn't able to sustain its altitude," the doctor replied, a smirk evident in his voice.

"So then the Master Emerald is what the echidna was guarding, because it was the power source of Angel Island," Gibson stated as realization quickly dawned.

Laughing loudly, the evil scientist turned to the blue monkey. "Figured all that out, did you? No wonder you're the smart monkey." He then turned back to the monitor just as the land mass crashed into the surface of water.

"So what are you planning to do with that Master Emerald?" Chiro demanded.

Eggman paused for a moment. Truth be told, he really hadn't planned that part out. "With its vast powers, I'm sure I'll figure out something. But in the meantime, I'll have to prepare for the next step of my plan."

The monkeys glanced at each other. "So…are ya gonna tell us what that next step is?" Otto ventured cautiously.

Focusing on him, the mad genius shrugged slightly. "I suppose…See, now that Angel Island has fallen, those who know of its existence are bound to notice. If they go to investigate or if Knuckles wakes up and seeks them out, chances are that the echidna will encounter him."

The teen frowned as he heard the vehement in the emphasized word. 'He' obviously referred to the one who constantly got in the way of the man's conquest plans. But that still didn't answer one question. "Who is he?" he finally asked when he couldn't stand the silence any longer.

Watching the man, Chiro saw the mix of bitter anger and smug triumph cross the older man's features. "My greatest adversary," Eggman answered at last. "Sonic the Hedgehog…"

[Chapter 5]

fic:chosen from chaos, fics, srmthg, sonic the hedgehog, crossover, chaptered

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