(no subject)

May 14, 2012 00:29

I know it's a late, but I hope all the moms on my f'list had a great Mother's Day! <3

My family took my mom out for Dim Sum today, since that's generally what she likes to have on this day...haha. Trying to get everyone to the restaurant was a hassle, though. This morning, my mom and younger brother had to go somewhere, my dad was out with my aunt who was visiting this weekend, and dad and aunt's cousins were apparently coming...which was news to me and my sisters, who were the ones saving a table until everyone came. Plus, my older sister and I had to go pick up my mom's present, so it was just Younger Sister holding a table for us for a while, then the three of us for a good hour before everyone else showed up. And the three of us are just not good at ordering food at a Dim Sum place, which if you've ever had it, makes the whole thing very awkward.

By the end of the day, though, I think those servers hated our table. We went from the three of us not ordering anything to a table of 9 ordering all kinds of crap. It was...it was just sad. I kind of hated us to, to be honest. We didn't meant to be difficult, but...well, poorly made plans are poorly made.

Anyway, after that, we went to visit late-grandmother at the cemetery. We...made a lot more noise than we should have, I think. For some reason, dad and aunt and their cousins wanted to take a lot of pictures by grandmother's grave, and it got kind of silly. It's...I don't know. Is it inappropriate to have fun at a cemetery?

After that, Aunt really wanted to see Dark Shadows. So we all went, minus mom and dad who had other plans, to the IMAX theater to see it. It was really weird. I guess it was kind of enjoyable in a goofy kind of way, something I might watch again if I caught it on television sometime, but there were parts of it I just didn't get. And it didn't feel like it was completely resolved. Obviously the ending left certain things open in case they want to (or can?) make a sequel, but there was something that just didn't sit right with me when everything was all said and done.

Buh. Whatever. It was a weird movie.

In other news, I discovered Homestuck recently. It took me a week, but I managed to catch up with the whole thing. I'm caught between the euphoria of knowing exactly what's going on and being on top of everything and the impatient slump of having to wait for updates in order to see what happens.

Normally when I follow a series that's currently ongoing and I have to wait for the next part, I might give up on it if I didn't have anything keeping me holding on to it. Story and characters might keep me hooked, but that's not always guarantee. What is a guarantee to keep me coming back to a fandom, however, is if I find an OTP within the fandom. Then I have to see the progress of my OTP, and if my ship sails or sinks.

...Yeah, we've acknowledged I'm a shipping-kinda fangirl, right? Heehee.

And honestly, when I first started reading the comic, I didn't think I'd get an OTP out of the deal. But DANGGIT, Homestuck managed to sneak one into my shipping dock.

Curse you, Dave/Jade. Curse your cool, ironic, adorable, furry-ish, squeeable goodness. *shakes fist*

Anyway, pretty sure I've bored you guys enough already. Off to read fanfics...

homestuck, movies, holiday, real life

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