100 Fanfic Ideas - 01/100

Apr 22, 2012 18:57

So my first real entry to the 100 Things Challenge going on here on LiveJournal. I decided to talk about fanfic ideas I had, because that was kind of the reason I created this journal to begin with. In the beginning this journal was supposed to strictly deal with all my creative musings in fandoms, from fanfics to ideas to icons...and anything else fandom-related. Of course now I mixed this with my personal journal, but I thought it might be nice to do something like that with this challenge.

The actual title I used for this was "100 Fanfic Ideas That I Wanted to Write". Whether I actually ever do get to write them is something else entirely...though that's not to say I won't write them. We'll see, I guess.

The only problem is some of the fandoms I write for are a little obscure, and all of them are some type of animation. So I doubt most people will find this too interesting. Then again, this is my journal, and I should be able to write about anything I want, right? So here we go.

For my first entry of the 100 Things Challenge, I might be cheating a little since I already started writing this idea, but this was for a prompt on an anon meme that was given months ago, so I doubt anyone's going to see the story anyway. The prompt was something on the Pokemon Anon Meme asking for a story dealing with Tracey Sketchit. There isn't much known about Tracey, an anime-only character, and the prompt's OP speculates that Tracey's an orphan, and wanted a story with his backstory.

I passed it at first, but I couldn't stop thinking about the idea. However, I still have no idea how I got Gary Oak involved in it.

I guess for some reason, I kind of like the idea of Gary and Tracey getting along. Part of it might be the inevitability that the two of them would talk, since Tracey works for Professor Oak and all, but I also like to think that the two of them would kind of develop a friendship unique to them. Since Gary is becoming a Pokemon researcher like his grandfather, I could see Tracey helping and trying to encourage him with his studies and such.

Plus, I think I kind of liked the idea that Tracey had a bit of a hand in Gary's decision to become a Pokemon researcher in the first place.

When the story starts, Gary is already in the transition stage of trainer to researcher - he hasn't retired as a trainer yet, but he's more open to becoming a researcher. And Tracey has only been working for Professor Oak for a short while at this point, so the two of them haven't spoken to each other much. And it's about as awkward as you'd expect. There's not much development between them other than that they've spoken for the first time without Oak there to buffer between them.

Later, Gary gets a little insight in Tracey's past as he struggles with the decision of whether he wants to be a researcher or not. I always got the impression that, in the start of the series, Gary was so adamant about being a great Pokemon trainer because his grandfather was such a famous Pokemon researcher. I could see people expecting him to follow in his grandfather's footsteps, and him trying to break away from those expectations because he hates thinking that people would compare him to his grandfather. So when he starts considering becoming a researcher, he gets confused because he doesn't want people to assume that he's doing it just to follow in his grandfather's (and his parents, but we'll get to that later) footsteps.

But he talks to Tracey about it, and Tracey tells him that it's okay to do what he wants, and that other people shouldn't sway him towards or away from his decision. Tracey talks about how the main reason he became a Pokemon watcher was because he liked to draw, and that he was encouraged to do what he thought was right. And though Gary feels better about the direction he's going in, he wonders a little more about Tracey's past. Since they still don't know each other that well, though, he doesn't ask.

Sometime after Gary's decision to become a researcher, the two meet up again outside of Pallet Town; Gary's on his way back to tell his grandfather about his decision, and Tracey's on his way back after a small adventure (one of the ones he had in Pokemon Chronicles, I suppose). And as the two of them talk, Gary gains another piece of insight to Tracey's past; Professor Oak reminds Tracey of his own father.

Having never heard of Tracey talk about his family before, Gary is curious and asks about Tracey about it. And when Tracey hesitantly replies, Gary finally gets a better understanding of Tracey. He learns that Tracey's dad was a Pokemon doctor, and that sometimes he would take Tracey to work with him and teach Tracey about a Pokemon's health (which, Gary realizes, is why Tracey's so good at noticing those things about a Pokemon from a glance). Tracey doesn't seem to like talking about his dad, though, and while Gary still wonders, he drops the subject in case it's too touchy for Tracey.

Gary can't stop thinking about it, however, or stop thinking about Tracey. So one day, when something from Professor Oak needs to be delivered to Gary, Gary suggests that Tracey take it, just as an excuse to see him. And after a bit of prying, Gary learns that the reason Tracey doesn't like to talk about his father is because his father passed away when he was younger, and that Tracey likes to draw because his dad was always really busy when he was a kid, and he would leave drawings of Pokemon for his dad because he didn't get to see him all that much. He also learns that Tracey never really knew his mother, because she died when he was only a few years old and he doesn't remember her all that well.

And Gary realizes that one of the reasons his grandfather let Tracey stay with him is because Tracey, like Gary, is an orphan. I'm going by this one theory about the game I heard where there was some kind of war in the world, which took the lives of most of the men, Red's father, and Green's parents. I'm applying the same thing to Gary's parents, because it gives another way Tracey and Gary can connect, because they both understand what it means to be an orphan and to find their own way in life.

A bit long, or maybe not long enough, but I wanted to write a story that develops a real connection between Gary and Tracey. If anyone has any suggestions to make it better, though, I wouldn't object. Hehe...

pokemon, ideas, 100 things

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