The Graduation Song

Apr 16, 2012 22:39

Yeah, these have probably been done a hundred times before, but I want to see what happens if I try it now, given how much my musical library has grown. So I decided to give it another go.

*Put Your iTunes, winamp, mp3 player or whatever on SHUFFLE
*For each question, press the next button to get your answer (no cheating!!)
*You must write down song/artist even if it doesn't make sense
*Post #25 as your subject
*Tag at least 10 friends- include the person who tagged you!

1. What do your friends say about you?
Hero - Superchick
(Hmm...I seriously doubt that...)

2. How would your coworkers describe you?
What I've Done - Linkin Park
(Haha, given that I've done what they do, possibly)

3. How would you describe yourself?
Ordinary Day - Vanessa Carlton
(Ordinary? Yes)

4. What do you like in a romantic partner?
As it is - Brian Weaver
(If that means him being himself, then yes)

5. How do you feel today?
Kim Kam Jam from Class of 3000
(Does that mean tired? Haha)

6. What is your life's purpose?
Who Knew - Pink
(Good question. I still don't know)

7. What is your motto?
The Name of the Game - Amanda Seyfried

8. What do you think about the most?
The Show - Hawk Nelson
(What show?)

9. What are you going to do on your next holiday?
Fight the Knight - Crush 40
(Yes. Because I'm that awesome)

10. What do you think of your first love/date?
Day of the River - Joe Hisaishi and New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra
(??? Somehow, I don't think this particular song means "I wanna punch his guts out")

11. What is your life story?
Grown-Up Christmas List - Amy Grant
(Hmm...I can actually make sense of this one)

12. What did you do yesterday?
What I've Been Looking For - Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Gabreel
(....All I can think of is how I need to update my library more often...and when I say "update", I mean get rid of songs)

13. What do you think of when you see the person you like/love?
I'm Gonna Love You - Jennifer Love Hewitt

14. What describes your wedding?
Just Around the Riverbend - Judy Kuhn
(I wish...)

15. What will they play at your funeral?
Shuffle - Okui Masami
(Haha, that would go over well...)

16. What is your obsession?
Silent Night - Sanctus Real
(Umm...don't think so)

17. What is your biggest fear?
Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park
(There's some sense to this one, but just to me)

18. What is your biggest secret?
Boss Battle: Death Egg Robot
(*sigh* It's true...I have battled robots)

19. What is your biggest turn-on?
My Glorious - Delirious?

20. How do you describe your friends?
Kaisei Joshou Hallelujah - Jindou

21. What would you do with a million dollars?
Dear Vienna - Owl City
(Translation: Traveling)

22. What is your opinion of sex?
Raise it Up - The Impact Repertory Theatre & Jamia Simone Nash

23. What is your biggest regret?
Let's Dance - Hawk Nelson
(If by that, it means that I haven't danced with the guy I like...then no, it's still not my biggest regret...)

24. What would you rather be doing right now?
Hearts from D.N. Angel
(...the card game?)

25. What will you post this list as?
The Graduation Song - Vitamin C

Not gonna tag people, so whoever wants to do it feel free.


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