Question meme I stole

Jan 31, 2012 23:47

→ You must post these rules.
→ Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
→ Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
→ You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post. (Eh, I won't make anyone do it. If you want to, feel free to go ahead ^^)

Questions from rose_of_pollux
1. What was your first fandom?
Hmm...well usually I answer Dragon Ball Z, but I think that was the first fandom I ever wrote for. Technically, I think my first fandom ever was Sailor Moon. That's the one where I first discovered fanfiction and looking up fansites about it over the internet, haha.

2. What is your most recent fandom?
I think I'd have to say Persona 4. It's been waning a little bit recently, but I still love it so much. I really wish I could write more for this one.

3. Ever rediscovered an old fandom of yours?
Oh most definitely. The best one I can think of at the moment is Road Rovers. It was a short cartoon series that only lasted one season, but I loved it as a kid. And one day for some reason I was looking into it again. Then I started writing fanfics for it...heh...

4. What is your favorite dessert?
This is a tough one, to be honest. I have such a sweet tooth, haha. But if I had to pick...maybe green tea ice cream?

5. What is your favorite animal?
The wolf. I love wolves so much, they're just amazing creatures.

6. What is your favorite fictional (fandom) creature?
The fire ferret from the Avatar world. I mean, just look at this thing!

Isn't it cute? ^^

7. What is your favorite mythical (non-fandom) creature?
I've been developing a fondness for phoenixes, though specifically the Chinese Fenghuang, recently.

8. What is your guilty pleasure fandom?
Ehehe...probably Wild Kratts more than anything. I know the shows for little kids, but I can't help watching it. It's so nostalgic and cute.

9. Ever enjoy a fandom that you never thought you'd even like?
Ahahaha....too many, I think. I blame my brother for most of them.

10. What old fandom of yours will you always return to?
Let's see...Yu Yu Hakusho, Sonic the Hedgehog, and/or Super Robot Monkey Team are all good contenders. Though to be honest, anything I've written for is liable to find its way back into my life...I'm doomed...

11. What do you look for in/what attracts you to a fandom?
Psssssh...I look? XD I honestly have no idea. Characters I find interesting are the most likely targets I think, though I have been known to get involved in a fandom strictly for a pairing. It's true, I admit, haha.

11 Questions for anyone who's interested"

1. What's the best thing about your favorite fandom?
2. What's the worst thing about your favorite fandom?
3. What is something you absolutely cannot stand in fics for your fandom?
4. Ships: Love 'em or hate 'em? Or don't care?
5. What's your favorite way to write a story (on the computer, by hand, in a specific room, with music or in silence, etc.)?
6. What's a way you deal with writer's block?
7. What's your favorite color?
8. If you could go anywhere for vacation, all expense-paid, where would you go?
9. What is currently your favorite song?
10. What's the story behind your default LJ icon?
11. What's your favorite childhood memory (if you don't mind sharing it..if it's too personal, then skip this question ^^;)?

meme, real life

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