The End of Hell - Ch. 1

Jul 11, 2008 21:11

Title: The End of Hell
Chapter: 1
Fandom: Dragon Ball Z, YuGiOh, Sorcerer Hunters, Yu Yu Hakusho
Character(s): Kurama, Maron Glace, Trunks Briefs, Son Goten, Bakura Ryou
Genre: Drama, action, romance, friendship, family, hurt/comfort
Rating: K+/PG
Disclaimers: Dragon Ball Z © Akira Toriyama, YuGiOh © Kazuki Takahashi, Sorcerer Hunters © Satoru Akahori, Yu Yu Hakusho © Yoshihiro Togashi
Notes: Take four parts anime plus two parts literature based on the Salem witch trials, add a dash of insanity and mix with one particularly strange high school student, and what do you get? This story.

Yeah, so around the time my high school class read The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible, I was really into the four anime/manga mentioned above. And, rather interested with the topic of the Salem witch trials...I meshed all four of those fandoms together and decided to write this. Reading through it now, though, gives me a headache because of all the old English, and it's just a really bizarre idea in the first place.

Summary: "Truth only reveals itself when one gives up all preconceived ideas." ~ Shoseki


A harsh wind rolled across the town that early morning hour, as the sun began to show signs of life. The first rays of light broke through the dark night, as an orange-yellow orb began to ascend into the sky from the horizon.

As the path was brightened by the sky's sphere, one could see three persons making their way to the town of Salem. Though their clothes were as black as the night that had once dominated the sky, the three could be seen from the distance because of their fiery red hair, none like that which had ever been seen before. Their crimson tresses could be rivaled with the morning's first light. The leader three, a young male, surveyed their surroundings with eyes as green as leaves of the trees, before calling to the other two, both females, who stayed silently behind him.

The younger girl looked at the man, her eyes as pink as the color of her hair, as soft pink as the blush of her cheeks. "Art we almost thither?" she asked.

The boy nodded, rearranging the hat that rested upon his crown. "Almost, Tira," replied he.

"Well, how much longer?" the other, slightly older girl asked impatiently. Her eyes, as blue as the day sky, glanced around before fixing the skirt of her midnight dress. "Only the Lord knowest why we hath come to Salem, of all places."

"Chocolat, I hath told thee I hath business hither," replied the man.

"The same type of business as in other towns?" asked Tira.

He nodded, fixing his cloak to cover his neck, as though trying to hide something. "Ay."

"Tis a dangerous cross thou carry, Brother," Chocolat stated, her arms folded across her chest.

"True, but there is no other type of cross to be carried."

"Too often we hast found trouble," stated the youngest, slightly fearful. "From town to town we hath traveled, often meeting the same fate as the last. It is a miracle that we art still alive. If thou just reveal the truth from the start, we may be spared that luck."

"Tira, thou knowest I cannot."

"Tis right," replied the other girl. "Mind, if the people try to take us to jail again, we could always fight our way out."

"Sister, thou art too violent," responded Tira. "Thou knowest that never works."

She shrugged, looking down the path that led to town. "Wouldst thee wish to go to prison again, Tira?"

"Tira, Chocolat," the boy said, "I pray thee, sisters, hush. I have promised thee, thou wilt not go to prison again, and by my life I have sworn it." He smiled softly. "Thou needst not worry."

"But how wilt thee keep thy promise, Kurama?" asked Chocolat.

"One look upon us may condemn us," replied Tira.

The smile never left his lips, but the glimmer in his eyes seemed playful. "Thou shalt see," said he. Turning away, he stated, "Come, sisters. Let us go into town."

Looking at each other, the two sisters hurried after their brother, and the three of them entered into town.

The townspeople, as the three walked among them in the streets, could not help but stare at the new arrivals. Whispers were raised as they past by, the focus of such because of the persons' bright crimson hair.

The youngest, Tira, kept her focus on the ground, a light blush on her cheeks, as though slightly ashamed, as others continued to whisper and stare. Chocolat, looking around, glared at anyone who dared to catch her eye. But Kurama, as he led the girls deeper into Salem, continued to walk with a smile on his calm features, as though he could not hear all the commotion around him and his sisters.

One of the viewers that watched as the three passed was the young Maron Glace, as he had come into town to buy food for his brothers, Carrot and Uubu, and his father, Onion. Normally, it was not advised for Maron to be in town. About a few years back, his mother, Apricot, was charged for witchcraft. And because Maron bore great resemblance to her, not only by the way he kept his appearance but also by the way he acted, many believed that the boy would follow in his mother's footsteps. For Maron's safety, Onion decided that Maron would best remain at home.

Today, however, had been different. For a reason unknown to him, Maron felt a need to go into town, having a feeling that something would happen that day.

And indeed, something did happen. He stood nearby, bright gold eyes watching as the three new strangers passed by. A strange wind blew past, fluttering his long midnight hair.

Chocolat caught him staring as they passed by, and she glared at him with a strong hate that had gathered over the years from the similar gazes and accusations. About to look away, his eyes then came to rest on Tira.

He watched this girl, her gaze kept downcast as she walked behind the other two. Hearing the whispers about the three from those of the town, Maron's watchful eyes held great sympathy for them, knowing very well how it felt. As he watched, he saw that, finally, she looked up to see the town.

That was when their eyes met, causing her to stop walking. The two looked at each other, sympathy in gold depths looking into a fearful, wondering gaze in pink orbs. A silent understanding settled between them, as the rest of the world seemed to drift away.

"Tira!" The call brought both teens back into Salem, as Chocolat once again called to her sister over her shoulder. With one last look at the pale boy, Tira turned and ran to catch up with the other two.

Maron continued to watch as the girl walked away, the name 'Tira' echoing in his mind. Finally, he too turned and left, walking the opposite way, perhaps to talk to his older brother about their arrival.

"Trunks?" called Goten, knocking on the door of his best friend since childhood. "Trunks, art thou hither?"

The door creaked open, revealing a tired, blond-haired man. With sleep still present in his blue eyes, he replied, "Ay?"

"Hast thou been sleeping this whole time?" wondered the raven-haired man.

"Ay," again he replied. He opened the door wider, silently inviting the other in.

He accepted, closing the door behind him. "What makes thee so tired this morning?" he asked.

"Late work in town the previous night," the blond haired man replied simply.

"Whither thy wife?"

"Marron left earlier this morn to buy something in the town shops." Trunks sat down at the table, indicating the other to do the same. "Pray, Goten, what hath thee come to tell me?"

He sat across his friend, chuckling softly. "To tell thee?" asked he.

"Ay. I have known thee for years, Goten Son, and I knowest thou would come here only to talk of important matters, or else then see me in town. Pray, what news hast thou come to see me for?"

"A great commotion has been raised in town with the arrival of three strangers," replied Goten.

"Three strangers?"


"And hath they just arrived today?"

He nodded. "Ay," said he again.

Trunks thought for a moment. "Pray, what about these newcomers that cause the town to talk?"

"Their hair resembles the redness of a flame, and everyone marvels how such hast never been seen before."

The other laughed ruefully. "Hadst not for the witch trials, perhaps the folks in town would see what they hath not from me and my family."

"Indeed. Even now, Bra must be reminded to wear her wig when she awakens, lest she head into town and be thought of a witch."

Trunks shook his head. "Mother and I have told her about such for years, yet she continues to forget."

"She is young, she wilt learn."

"Ay. Hopefully before her forgetfulness cost her her life."

After a moment of silence, the blond asked the other, "These strangers thou mentioned earlier, didst thou see them for thyself?"

"Ay, as didst most of the town."

"Anything happen after their arrival?"

Goten shook his head. "However, methinks Maron took fancy to one of them."

"Maron? Onion's boy?"

"The very same. He seemed to take a liking to the young girl following behind the other two. I believe them to be her sister and brother."

"I see. That wouldst be an interesting turn of events. What be the talk of the town?"

"As of yet, not much, though many hast called them strange."

The blond placed a thoughtful hand to his chin. "Those labeled such are usually condemned for witchcraft."

Goten nodded. "Ay."

"Dost thou knowest why they come hither?"

He shook his head. "Tis a question yet to be answered, for these travelers speakest not."

"Hath they not spoken to anyone?"

Again, he shook his head. "Not an utterance at all. They just continued to walk on. However, even the two sisters understand not the action of their brother."

"Didst they ask?"

"Ay, they did."

"And he answers not?"

"Nay. He simply continued on his way, and his sisters no choice but to follow."

He nodded. "Where dost thou think them to be heading, Goten?"

"I knowest not. Quite possibly the Governor."

"Quite possible, but perhaps not."

"Really? Why sayest so?"

"Well, under their circumstances, most likely they would try to find shelter, a refuge, as it were. I can only thinkest of one place for such."

"Ryou!" a boy called to another, his snow-white hair bouncing behind him as he ran.

The aforementioned one, supposedly his twin, stopped and looked as the other called his name. "Bakura," replied he.

""Ryou, hast thee heard the news?"

"Nay, Brother. Pray, tell me, what hast thou heard?"

"There be strangers in Salem, wanderers who arrived in town early this morn."

Ryou looked at his brother, an exact likeness of features, with bright brown eyes. "Truly?"

"Ay. The town hath speakest of them. Two women and one man, hair as red as fire." A small, almost impish grin appeared on Bakura's lips. "Already they hath been thought of as strange."

The other sighed, almost sadly. Since the time their parents had been killed, Ryou had noticed a change in his brother. Before, both had acted in a like, kind and gentle manner. But since that fateful day, Bakura had become more cynical, possibly angrier. Ryou, having taken an opposite direction, became quieter and reserved, shy, if one would say so.

"What hast these strangers done as of late?" asked the quiet twin.

Bakura shrugged, walking beside his brother. "I knowest not, nor doth the folks of Salem. There wast one sight of them early today, but they hath not been seen since."

"Hast thou seen them for thyself, Bakura?"

"Nay, I hath not."

Ryou nodded, unsure of how to reply. As the two approached a house, Ryou slowly pushed the door open.

As they entered the house, the young minister, Goku Son, came to greet them. "Ryou, Bakura," said he. "Whither hath thee been?"

"In town, Father," replied the quiet one. "Hast Mother gone already?"

"Ay, to visit Gohan and Goten as she doth every day."

"Father," chimed Bakura suddenly, interrupting any thoughts the other two might have had. "Father, hath thee heard the news around town?"

"Bakura, keep thy voice down. There be no need to raise it."

He sighed impatiently, then stated, quieter than before, "Father, hath thee heard the talk amidst the people in town?"

"I hath not. Prithee, wilt thou tell me?"

"Strangers came to town today, three persons who arrived this morn."

"New arrivals in town?"

"Ay, Father. Two women and a man, all whom hath hair as red as a flame!"

The young minister simply smiled. "Is that so?"

"Ay, Father. The town hast already labeled them different from others."

"Hast thou seen them for thyself?" asked Goku.


"Then thou must not judge too quickly," replied he. "For only the Lord canst do so."

Bakura looked up at him. "Father…"

"Thee and thy brother, Ryou, hadst been labeled in the same manner, hath thee not, Bakura?"

His brown eyes gazed up at the man, surprise captivated in the depths of his orbs. "Ay…"

"Twas not a pleasant feeling, wast it?"

"Nay, Father."

"Since, then, thee knowest how that feels, should thee condemn other as such?"

His eyes softening, Bakura fixed his gaze downwards. "Nay," replied he quietly.

Still with a soft smile, the minister gently patted the boy's head, then turned to the other. "Wilt thou prepare the table for the morning meal, Ryou? We shalt eat when Chi Chi returns."

"Ay, Father," replied Ryou softly.

Turning back to Bakura, he said, "Canst thou assist me with some preparations for the mass tonight, Bakura?"

The mentioned boy nodded. "Ay, Father." With that, the two left Ryou alone in the dining room.

Standing still for a moment, Ryou breathed deeply, releasing it with a slight sigh. As had been mentioned before, ever since their parents were hanged for dealing with the Black Arts, Bakura had seemed angrier, as though he no longer held compassion for others, save his brother, Ryou. However, Minister Goku, a truly kind soul in the village, seemed to be the only person besides Ryou whom Bakura trusted in and listened to. With the help of Goku, Ryou was able, though only temporarily, to see his brother, the brother he had known, return. To others, though never to him, his own flesh and blood, Ryou noticed Bakura would otherwise act different if Goku were not around. Bakura only acted kindly to him and Goku. Even to Chi Chi, their mother, did he seem almost rude and unopened to the feelings that bothered him. Ryou hoped, though, that with some help, Bakura would return to the way he once had been.

With another sigh, Ryou was about to start on the task given to him by Goku, when a soft knock on the door interrupted him. Turning things around in his mind, he knew that, if it had been his surrogate mother, there would have been no need to knock. Because many persons often came to see and talk to Goku, he decided that it was most likely a person from the town. With that in mind, he walked to the door and opened it.

At the door, as Ryou saw, there were three persons, a man and two women, all who had bright hair, the color of flame.

The man, who stood in front of the two, looked at Ryou with a soft smile. "Greetings," said he kindly.

"Greetings," replied the boy, marveling how familiar the smile seemed.

"Wouldst this be the house of the minister Goku Son of the town of Salem?"

"Ay, sir, this be that house."

"Dost thou live hither?"

"Ay sir. Pray thee, please enter." He opened the door wider, and the man talked to the two behind him, before the three entered the house.

"Whither doth the minister be?" asked the man to the young boy.

"Father is with my brother, preparing for this evening's mass."

"Oh?" said the man, a glisten in his emerald eyes. "You have a brother?"

"Ay sir, a twin, as well as two older brothers who hath moved out years agone to be with their wives."

"And Goku Son be your father?"

"Adopted, sir. He allowed my brother and myself to live with him after our parents were tried for witchery."

The man nodded, a genuine understanding held in his features. Then, looking at the boy again, asked he, "What be thy name?"

"Ryou, sir."

"Ryou. Wouldst thou be so kind as to fetch thine father, so that I may speakest to him?"

"Ay sir. Pray, please take comfort hither while I fetch him." He bowed slightly, excusing himself as the man nodded to the girls to be seated. Leaving the room, Ryou guided himself to his father's study, where he and Bakura were preparing.

"Father," said the boy, standing at the doorway, "there art someone to see thee."

Both the one mentioned and Bakura looked at him. "Who be hither?" asked the minister.

"The mysterious strangers that hadst arrived in town today."

Bakura's brown eyes seemed to light up, as Goku stood and walked past Ryou to the kitchen, both twins following after him.

Upon his arrival into the kitchen, the red-haired man stood, a smile on his features as he walked up to Goku. Looking on, Ryou noted that the familiar smile on the man was mirrored on his father.

"Greetings," said Goku taking the other's hand in a warm handshake. "I be the minister Goku Son. I hath heard thee arrived in Salem just today."

"Ay sir, indeed we hath," replied the man. "I am Kurama Misu, and these be my sisters, Chocolat and Tira."

As their names were mentioned, they stood, greeting the minister.

"I told thee their hair was like fire," whispered Bakura to his brother. Ryou was quick to hush him.

"Pray, what brings thee hither to mine home?"

"Dear minister, my sisters and I look for a place to stay during our time in Salem. That be a problem, however, since we knowest no one in this town. I hath, however, heard of thee, the minister Goku Son, who was told to be a kind soul. My sisters and I hath come in hopes thou wilt allow us to stay, even just for one night. What sayest thee, Mr. Son?"

"I pray thee, call me Goku."

"Thou wish not to be called by thine family's name?"

"I prefer it not, and wish rather be called Goku."

"Then I shall call thee so, if thou wouldst prefer it," replied the man with a courteous bow.

"I thank ye. As for my answer, I pray thee find comfort hither during your stay."

Kurama sighed, relief showing in his features. "Thou truly art a kind soul. I thank thee."

Goku nodded, the soft smile on his face. "There be two rooms that my sons retained before they were married. I hopest that wilt suit thy needs."

"Methinks that wouldst be alright."

Turning to the two women, Goku asked, "Wilt thou mind if thee share a room to sleep in?"

"Nay sir," Chocolat replied. "We mind it not."

"My sister and I art used to sharing rooms," answered Tira.

"Very good then." Looking at his three guests, then at the twins, Goku said, "We art waiting for my wife, Chi Chi, to return before starting our morning meal. Thou art welcome to join us. After, Ryou and Bakura wilt show thee thy rooms to stay."

Kurama, looking at Ryou, smiled. "Thou hath a fine child in Ryou, Sir. We hath talked for but a moment, yet he hath been polite and respectable, an honorable child indeed."

The quiet teen flushed with embarrassment. "I thank thee for thy kind words, sir," replied he softly.

Still smiling, he then turned to the other. "Art thou like thy brother, Bakura?"

Bakura's eyes, once brightly shimmering, were then downcast. "I knowest not," replied he, in obvious displeasure. "If I were, however, then one may not tell us from the other. Therefore, sir, most likely thou wilt find me, not as my brother wouldst act, but quite likely in the opposite manner."

"Pray, forgive him," said Goku, placing his hands on the boy's shoulders and drawing him closer to himself. "He hath not been the same since the death of his parents."

"Ay, Ryou told me of such. May I ask why thou hath taken them in?"

Goku smiled softly. "Their parents hadst been dear friends to me, and I was very saddened when I heard of their deaths."

"Everyone is a dear friend to thee," mumbled Bakura, quietly, so the minister would not hear him. Still, Ryou was quick to hush his brother.

"They hadst asked of me, prior to their trial, to take care of Ryou and Bakura, and I was glad to do so."

Kurama nodded. "I see. And they hath not caused trouble for thee?"

"Nay, though Bakura, I hath heard from people in town, can be quite mischievous."

The boy being talked about smirked slightly.

"Thou hath not seen so for thyself?"


The redhead glanced at the boy. "Thou hath a hidden nature, dost thou not?"

He looked down at the ground.

Kurama chuckled. "Worry not. I wast like ye when I was thine age, verily."

"Ay," replied Chocolat.

He laughed. Again, turning to the boy, said he, "I believeth thou shalt grow to be a fine man, Bakura."

"I thank thee, sir," replied he.

A small creak signified the opening of the door. As those in the room looked on, they watched as a woman entered.

Smiling, Goku walked up to the woman, placing a soft kiss on her cheek. "How be our boys?" asked he.

"Same as always," replied the woman. "Though Goten wasn't in today. Bra believeth that he went to visit Trunks. What goeth on hither?"

"Chi Chi, these be guests that stay hither during their time in Salem. Kurama Misu, and his sisters Chocolat and Tira."

Kurama bowed slightly to the woman. "I am honored to meet thee, good lady."
She smiled. "Wilt thee and thy sisters be staying hither in Salem long?"

"It is…uncertain. We shalt see."

"I see. Hath thou arriveth this morn?"

"Ay, ma'am."

She smiled. "Please, call me Chi Chi."

"If thou wishest so."

"Ay. Well, if thou hadst arriveth today, thou must be hungry, Pray, take seat at the table while I prepareth the morning meal."

[Chapter 2]

yyh, crossover, chaptered, fics, sorcerer hunters, fic:the end of hell, dbz, ygo

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