Operation: R.O.M.A.N.C.E. - Ch. 2

Jun 22, 2008 02:14

Title: Operation: R.O.M.A.N.C.E.
Chapter: 2
Fandom: Codename: Kids Next Door
Character(s): Nigel "Numbuh 1" Uno, Abigail "Numbuh 5" Lincoln, Wallabee "Numbuh 4" Beetles, Kuki "Numbuh 3" Sanban, Hoagie P. "Numbuh 2" Gilligan, Lizzie Devine
Genre: Romance, drama
Rating: K+/PG
Disclaimers: Codename: Kids Next Door © Mr. Warburton
Notes: This was just...a weird idea I had one day. I don't...even remember why I cam up with it.

Summary: After 1 breaks up with Lizzie, 3 wants to tell him how she feels. But 4 likes 3, and 5 likes 1. Lizzie also wants 1 back, but 2 likes her. Confused? So are they...

[Chapter 1]

Continuing Transmission
A gentle wind picked up, and the young girl felt her braids being picked up by it. She smiled, readjusting her glasses that resided on her face.

Lizzie was on her way to meet her boyfriend in the park. She couldn't help but let out a small giggle as she thought about him. He always seemed to bring a smile to her face, even if he wasn't there beside her.

She had known Nigel for a few years now, even before they decided on this relationship. Actually, before she decided on this relationship. She didn't give Nigel much say in it really. She was the one who decided that they should have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Sometimes, she felt a little guilty for doing so.

But he hadn't disagreed. He hadn't complained, saying that he didn't want to be in a relationship. He just went along with it. She guessed that he enjoyed spending time with her as well, as much as she enjoyed spending time with him.

Lizzie found Nigel waiting for her, standing in the same spot where they first started their new relationship She smiled, seeing as he observed the treetops, tickled by the wind. She had always admired him. He was intelligent, kind, patient (sometimes), brave. She quickened her pace, to hurry and meet him.

However, in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but feel that meeting him in the exact spot they first became a couple wasn't a good thing.

Since his back was facing her, she slowly crept up behind him, then hugged him from behind. "Hi, Nigie!!" she cried.

"Hi, Lizzie," he said. "Glad you could make it."

"Of course I could make it." She pulled back, allowing him to turn around and face her. "I would never miss the chance to see you…since you're always so busy and all."

He nodded. "Things are always busy at the Kids Next Door." He paused for a moment, then added, "but we're not here to talk about that."

She nodded. "Right. So why didja wanna see me?"

"Well…um…Lizzie…we…uh…We need to talk."

Her eyes widened with surprise and shock. She knew very well what the words 'We need to talk', really meant, whether it was said by the guy or the girl, there was only one explanation for those four accursed words in any relationship.

"You……you wanna……break up with me…don't you, Nigie?"

He blinked. 'How did she know?' he wondered. "Well…I…uh…"

Nigel wasn't usually hesitant like he was now. Lizzie knew him very well. He was only like that when he was uncomfortable. "You do, don't you?"

Why did this have to be so hard?! He found it so much easier when he was practicing the whole thing. But now that he actually had to do it…It had to get done, though. He couldn't even think about what would happen if he didn't do it.


He watched as tears began to fill her eyes, behind her glasses. He growled softly under his breath. He hated seeing girls cry, especially girls that he was close to. That was how he met Lizzie, and they became friends, in the first place.

But that was a few years ago. This was now.

"Please…don't cry, Lizzie…"

"Well what do you want me to do?!" she yelled, angrily at him. She sniffled. "It's not like I should be dancing after news like that!!!"

"I'm sorry, Lizzie, but…"

"But what?!" She angrily wiped her tears away, then looked up again at him, her eyes holding a sense of sorrow under the film of tears. "I thought you liked me…"

"Lizzie…It was never a question of me liking you. I…just don't like you that way…"

"Well, you used to before!!!"

"Well…it's different now. Things change, Lizzie. I…just don't feel the same way about you anymore."

"Why not?! What happened?!"

"I told you, things change. I just don't feel that you're the right person for me. I've been thinking about this for a long time, Lizzie, and I just think that this is the right thing to do."

"How is it the right thing?!" she demanded, more out of grief than anger.

"I…I just feel that it's the best thing for both of us."

She sniffled, trying her best to dry her tears beneath her glasses. Feeling a little guilty, Numbuh 1 pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket, handing it to Lizzie. She took it from him, wiping her tears away, before looking up at him again.

"Is…Is it because of another girl?" she asked quietly.

He stiffened in surprise, looking at her, his eyes wide behind his sunglasses. "Of course not!" he replied. "That has nothing to do with this!"

But her eyes, before she looked away, reflected that she didn't believe him. "It is, isn't it? You wanted to break up with me because you like another girl. I bet it was one of those friends of yours back at your tree house…"

He placed his hands on her shoulders, causing her to look up again. "Lizzie, listen to me. Numbuh 3 and 5 had nothing to do with me breaking up with you. I like them, yes, but not in the way you're thinking. They're just my friends. That's all."

She sniffled again, looking down at the ground again. "And I suppose you want us to be friends, too, huh?"

"Well, yes. I mean, we were before, and…"

She shook her head. "It's different when people come out of a relationship like this. If they go back to being friends…it's too awkward."

"Well, I would like to be friends again with you, Lizzie. I mean, I would like to still talk to you. You're a great friend to me, Lizzie, and I do like you. I just don't like you that way."

She sniffed again, wiping away any tears that lingered, before handing him back his handkerchief.

He looked at her, then gave it back to her. "No, you keep it."

She blinked, looking at him. He had that smile on his face…the smile that she had fallen for quiet some time ago. The smile that usually made everything bad seem alright. But…now…

She shook her head, tears in filling her eyes again. Turning, she ran away from him, overcome by the vast heartache that overflowed within her. She didn't care where she was going, it didn't matter. The only boy she really cared about broke up with her. 'Well,' she thought, 'I'll get you back, Nigel. I'll get you back.'

Numbuh 1 just stood there, watching her leave. He felt very strange. Part of him knew that breaking up with Lizzie was the right thing to do, but the other part was beginning to wonder. Should he have done it? What would have happened if he hadn't? How different would things be?

But it was too late now. It was already done, and it was too late to change that. With nothing left for him there, he slowly turned, deciding to return to the tree house. Maybe he would be able to get some comfort from his other friends.
Transmission Interrupted

[Chapter 3]

fics, fic:romance, chaptered, knd

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