Icon meme and birthday stuff

Oct 13, 2011 21:28

1. Reply to this post with "UNICORNS", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

These are the icons netbug009 picked out:

A while back, moonys_autumn was offering to make icons for people, and I asked if she would make some Kurama/Minako icons for me, which she did. Kurama/Minako is one of the few crossover pairings I will ever ship, but I honestly love it to death. The idea for them started with the knowledge that the respective creators of Yu Yu Hakusho and Sailor Moon were married, and learning that the respective characters had no "special someone" for them in their manga. So I decided to write a story with the two of them finding love in each other, and in the process ended up falling in love with them myself.

I haven't had a real occasion to use the icon yet, because this type of icon has that love/romantic relationship feel, doesn't it? It's what I've planned to use it for, but so far I've used it to talk about some ships I have...though in a serious, considering way. Not a fangirling kind of way (I have a separate icon for that, heehee).

Super Robot Monkey Team is one of those shows where one of my siblings liked and watched it first while I had no interest in it, but after seeing it once I ended up obsessing over it and loving it much more than them. This usually happens with my younger brother (and yes, he's done this to me more than once), but my sisters are susceptible to this as well. Anyway, my brother started watching this show because he thought it was interesting, but one day when I happened to sit and watch it with him one day I just fell in love with it. He later lost interest in it, so when the 4th season was premiering for the first time, I was watching it on my own.

The morning I was watching a particular episode, I was a little surprised when Otto struck the pose he's in above. It was weird, silly, and goofy...so naturally I wanted an icon of it. When I got the picture and shrunk it down, I (regrettably) asked my older sister what kind of caption I should put for the picture. She gave me that quote by Trixie Tang from The Fairly OddParents. I protested at first, because that was kind of weird, but she kept insisting until I finally did it. Even now, I'm not sure about it, but it's silly and all in good fun, so I keep it. I usually use this icon when I'm feeling really silly.

Not much to say about this one, really. I found this icon a long time ago, so I don't even remember where I got it. But I use it on those days when I'm just over-the-top mad or frustrated, especially if I'm aggravated for no particular/very little reason. One of those days where I'm angry, but it's nothing really serious...so no one should be worried, heheh...

Nothing really about this one, either. I just really wanted a Codename: Kids Next Door icon, because that fandom was the first non-anime/manga fandom I ever wrote for, so it's pretty important to me, and Numbuh 1 is my favorite character. I usually use this for days I'm feeling pretty good, when everything's pretty fine.

Now this icon has an interesting story. See, I'm Catholic Christian, and my faith is pretty important to me. But one day while looking through my icons, I realized that I didn't have any icons about my faith. So of course I had to fix that. But I didn't want an icon that was just (for lack of a better word) religious. Sometimes the fandoms I enjoy kind of clash with my faith (and sometimes they're kind of on opposite scales), but more than anything I wanted an icon that could incorporate both one of my fandoms and my faith. I wanted to reflect that part of myself...something that contained those pieces of me.

I looked for a long time, but I didn't find anything I could use for a while. I was about to give up, but then randomly remembered the days when I was really into Trigun. My favorite character in the at anime, Wolfwood, is even a traveling priest (not a Catholic priest, but it doesn't matter). So I kept looking until I found the picture above; Wolfwood, kneeling and clutching his cross (never mind that his cross is really a huge gun...) was just too good to pass up. So now I use this icon when I talk about God (or even to sometimes), when I'm struggling with my faith, or just embracing it.

Speaking of icons, though, I need to find some others. I'm looking for icons of Crane from Kung Fu Panda, Ryou Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh, and Woody from Toy Story. I like having an icon of my favorite or second-favorite character from particular fandoms, but I don't have any icons for these guys. Would anyone mind lending me a hand? Heheh...

Anyway, moving on. Let's see...so, birthday celebrations actually started last night, when my friend took me out to dinner. She had this whole secret thing planned out for me, which included dressing up and wearing pink (and she hates pink, so that was surprising). We ended up going to a theater to see Legally Blonde: The Musical, which also included a dinner buffet two hours before the show started. The show was pretty hilarious really, but they changed so much from the movie (then again, maybe they were close to the book?), so I really want to watch the movie again, haha. It was really fun though.

I stayed up pretty late and saw a few people already wishing me a happy birthday on Facebook, so I thanked them before going to sleep. When I woke up, I found that I had gotten a text from Hyland, one of my favorite bands ever, wishing me a happy birthday (haha, chalk it up to knowing people). Slept in for a while, then my parents took me out for lunch. I also got a call from my older sister around that time, who told me that she had gotten me the first volume of Codename: Sailor V (which has finally been released here in the US!).

When I got home, I my younger sister gave me a present too: Sailor Moon #1 and Fairy Tail #15 (even though I told her not to get me both! Grr...). Then she made some lemon drop cookies (yummy!) and we ate them while watching Persona 4: The Animation episode 2. Yosuke got his Persona! Haha.

After that, I got ready and went to work. My boss apparently wanted to get me a cake, but she was running late. So she decided to just get the cake tomorrow so the rest of my coworkers will be there...yay? Haha. Worked for a few hours before going home, and then had dinner with the family.

That's about it, so far. I'm still getting messages on Facebook, texts, and even messages here on LJ for my birthday. So thank you everyone!

In other news, I'm failing at writing. I was trying to write a Persona 4 story, but it sucks so much. Blarg. I really need to get back into writing...

fairy tail, meme, toy story, trigun, kung fu panda, yyh, icons, knd, real life, sailor moon, persona 4, srmthg, birthday, ygo, fruits basket

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