30 days anime challenge - Day 9

Jun 09, 2012 23:55

30 days anime challenge

Day 9 - Saddest anime scene

gonna keep it short and simple today 'coz the pics say it all......................

THIS scene is what i consider the saddest i've ever watched ~~~~ 'coz... just look at it ~~~~~~ aaaa, how could you not cry? how could you hold your tears??
i couldn't...and i didn't...at all...............
in fact, i literally cried my heart out at this scene..........THIS BLOODY SCENE!!!!!!!!!!
i cried when i saw the manga....and cried and cried again when i watched the anime..............no matter how many times i've rewatched...

“Boku wa, anata wo…”

i remember each and every time i watched the anime, i always turned the volume up during this....just to hear Sei-san's last words........ the bloody word!!!
but of course i couldn't...none of us can't...............
only Su-san :)

however, we can always know what that word is after all :)

Sei-san ~~~ when i read the manga and watch the anime...every time...at this scene...i wanna yell at you, wann scold you...wanna say you are just so so so so sooooooooooo BAKA!!!
you did know the curse Hokuto-san put on you ~~~ you did know that if you killed Su-san you'd die ~~~~~~
and yet, you still did that...............you still blooding did that.......
and then the person cried was Su-san ~~~~~~~

his shocked face...............god, it was his expression that hurt me so so so much ~~~~~
'coz he didn't know that...'coz in the end, he just wanna die in your hands........and he was ready for that............

but you...you just had to 'surprise' him again ~ right, Sei-san? :)
damn you, i wanna hit you so bad T^T

but...*sighs* i do understand.................
you just had to do that right? 'coz you loved Su-san...yes, 'coz you loved him so so so much..........
i could get that :)

because, as a Sakurazuka, you were destined to be killed by the person you loved...right?
and yeah, 'coz Su-san was the person you loved most...he just had to did the work...
and Sei-san, i really think you were very satisfied with this, after all ~~~
'coz in the end, you made Su-san become a Sakurazukamori.... 'coz a Sakurazukamori would only be killed by the person they love most and that person would become the next Sakurazukamori...
you made him yours, after all, neh?

dammit, everything is SeiSu and everything HURTS ~ TT______TT

actually, i did consider other scene before this, but in the end, this left the deepest impression on me :)
so yeah, that's it for today ~ sorry for the many pics but i just wanna show you clearly ~~~~

PS: to those who haven't read or watch this ~~~ please do ~~~~~~~~~~ and you'd understand all my feelings >___<

feelings, eng, 30 day anime challenge

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