First time writing in second person, but I think it works. Kinda...
#56 Red String of Destiny
294 words
“I don’t know Buns, I don’t deserve to be with you, but it seems like fate.”
You wince at how accurate he actually is, but watch her as she blushes at the compliment and reaches inside of her pocket. She pulls out a pocket watch and moves to hand it to him.
“By the way, this watch… I meant to return it to you.”
“Hang on to it. I’ve got something to return also. It’s yours.”
Her previously demure and coy personality immediately switches back to her more normal excitable self. Memories of similar times a thousand years past flash through your brain, and you shake your head in an attempt to bring yourself back to the current situation.
You have something to return to me? What is it?” Her eyes flash excitedly but there’s a hint of worry present. You stiffen, angry that she has been made to worry.
“Next time,” He replies, and you relax slightly as her face softens. “We can trade then. I promise.”
Her smile is now demure and coy again. “Sure I promise too.”
She giggles yet you feel like crying. It’s there and present between them, humming almost in it’s intensity. You want to scream at the injustice of it all, yet you know you could never deny the princess her happiness. Even if it was and may yet be the death of her.
Most of all, you hate the curse of knowing. Knowing you must deceive your princess and fellow senshi in order to protect them. Knowing that Endymion and your princess have found each other again. And most of all knowing that the red string of destiny that links them across centuries of time and distance has never looked brighter than it did right now.