Well had a funny idea. Enjoy its simplicity.
Usagi walked into the Arcade and seeing no baka in sight happily ran to the counter. Now was the perfect time to flirt with Motoki. He rang in her order for a double chocolate shake and started madly flirting with the best of her skills. All of a sudden she saw the Men’s room door open and out walked that cocky idiot, Mamoru. Before she could scurry off to a booth as to not confront him, he came up right behind her.
“So, ordering another shake? Just where do you put all that weight Odango?” he asked smugly. Usagi turned around to smack him, but the crafty fool had already moved back in anticipation for her retaliation She growled in frustration and stalked off to a booth to sulk. He walked past and smirked. “Don’t feel bad Odango, I’m sure Melvin needs a girl bigger them him to have protection.”
And with that turned to walk out of the Arcade. Usagi glanced at his retreating back and broke out into a fit of giggles. She snorted and coughed to cover the noise, but Mamoru had already noticed. He turned around at the door and shook his head pityingly at her. Turning back around he left.
Motoki brought over her shake and saw her wild laughter. She was usually crying by the time his friend left, so he supposed this was a sign that she had won the latest battle.
“Hey Usagi, your shake's ready.” he said, placing the cup on the table. “ By the way, what’s so funny?”
She snorted again and coughed out, “Oh nothing…..Mamoru just……had toilet paper……stuck to his shoe.” and started hooting in laughter again. Motoki looked pensive for a moment and smiled.
“I guess some are just better left unsaid, huh Usagi?” and he started laughing too.
Cute or not cute? That is the question.