5-A: Pearl
217 words
Usagi didn't understand how difficult it was to find a pearl. Ever since she had learned how pearls were formed inside clam shells, she had pressured Mamoru to go to the beach with her so she could find one. But when she realized that she couldn't dive deep enough to reach the shells, she had begged Mamoru to dive for her. He had been swimming for nearly an hour and was reaching his exhaustion point.
Breaking the surface, he turned to call out to Usagi and let her know that he would dive only once more and they would have to give up. But instead of calling to her, she was calling out to him. Waving her arms wildly, she was motioning for him to swim to shore.
“I found one,” she was squealing with excitement when he was within earshot. And sure enough, Usagi was standing in ankle deep water holding a large, perfect pearl. “It's a real one, right Mamo-chan?” she questioned.
Mamoru accepted the pearl and examined it for her, seeing a small scratch in one spot that suggested it had once been prong mounted in a piece of jewelry and come loose. Choosing to keep this information to himself, he responded with a large smile, “Yes Usako, you found a real pearl.”