Wrote another drabble yesterday arvo. I didn't have the time then to post it but here it is now.
Theme: Button
Author pencil gal
Characters: Usagi, Mamoru
Rating: everyone
Words: 398
Mamoru blinked in surprise as he walked through the park. Up ahead he could see a small figure crawling through the grass, long, blonde ponytails trailing through the dirt. He walked closer and expelled a breath of air as he realised who it was. “Why me?” Mamoru asked himself.
He walked closer and loomed over the young girl just a she grabbed something from behind a rock. “Exactly what are you doing crawling around on your hands and knees?”
Usagi’s triumphant smile disappeared as she glanced behind her then slowly trailed her eyes upwards to find Mamoru staring down at her. She lifted her chin proudly and declared, “I’m collecting buttons.” Usagi held up the small button in her palm to prove her point.
“And why is it that you are collecting buttons Odango?” Mamoru lifted an eyebrow. The Odango Atama just kept getting stranger.
“Well they make great eyes for homemade bears.”
“You sew your own toys?”
“Do you know anyone who does?”
“Which brings us back to the original question: why are you collecting buttons?”
Usagi stood up and Mamoru suddenly realised that her shirt was unbuttoned so low that he could see straight down it. “Why do you care what I do baka?” she asked curiously.
“I… erm…” Mamoru’s eyes accidentally fell to her chest again. He’d never realised how… well endowed the younger girl was. He was lucky that he was so much taller than Usagi and so she wouldn’t notice that his gaze was slightly lower than it should have been.
“You erm what?”
Mamoru forced his eyes to Usagi’s and tried to shake off the image that had ingrained itself on his retinas. “I don’t care what you do. I just happen to have an insatiably curious mind. So humour me and just tell me why you’re collecting bloody buttons.”
Usagi rolled her eyes. “Are you really that stupid? I’m not collecting buttons.” She held the button up again. “It fell off my top.”
“Oh.” Mamoru blinked.
Usagi put the button in her pocket. “Now if you don’t mind I have to get home. And find a way to fix this before my mum finds out.” She had begun to walk past him when she stopped and glared at him. “And stop staring at my chest, you pervert!” Usagi huffed as she stalked away.
Mamoru watched her retreating back.
- Samantha