Happy Anniversary!

Aug 08, 2006 18:53

I know I'm probably a bit late for this (except being in Australia, if I had posted on the 7th it would've been an early surprise instead, and I'm pedantic about timing when it comes to things like this), but here I am! I'm not sure how many of you guys know me, but I've responded to a few of the drabbles and icon challenges here (although I haven't really put forth anything new for quite a while), and right now I've got quite a few things I want to say. XD

But before I say anything else, the new layout looks great! Elianthos, I don't know if I've ever told you this, but you're one amazing artist!

I'm not sure whether a sentimental personal rant would be appropriate here, but seeing you guys won't mind (I hope), I'd just like to express how wonderful this community has been for me in the past year. I must admit, this community was one of the main reasons why I bothered to return to LJ (I've always had an account, but never used it) - and now I'm happy to say that I'm rather addicted. XD I loved the atmosphere in this community, and how everyone was so friendly and helpful to eachother - and it also helped that we were all united by our love for Mamo-chan! XD It's also been lovely to come here after a tiring day, and read all the drabbles you guys have written. One thing that has always amazed me was the mere range here. There's been hilarity, sensitivity, romance, displays of friendship, depth, and tear-jerking moments in all these little (and some not-so-little) pieces.

I remember one day when a friend saw me deep in concentration over my tattered list of the 100 themes that I've printed out and carry with me practically everywhere I go, and asked me what it was. I replied with, "It's a little challenge I'm taking at the moment, where I have to write 100 drabbles - short pieces - based on these themes." He then asked me, "Is it on a specific topic?", and I responded, "Oh, it's about the love between Mamoru and Usagi." He nodded, content with my answer - leaving me frowning over how unsatisfied I was with those words. What I should have said, was the relationship between the two. (And no, there's not really a point to this little anecdote other than to illustrate the fact that I'm in a dire need of a real social life if I go around with a list of the themes... XD)

Anyways, what I love more than the wonderful pieces of work here, are the relationships between all the community members, and the feedback and support we give eachother. It's simply amazing - and I know now, that if I was ever to look for a reason to continue writing drabbles or creating icons, it would be so that I could share them with you guys. So I want to take this opportunity to thank all you wonderful people, and to say that I'm looking forward to another few years where I can indulge in your creations, and learn more about every single one of you as lovely individuals. <3

Okay, maudlin rant over, here's my little present to you guys. Clickie here. Futher information regarding the site, including how to use the new archive system (found here) is below:

The new archive is a system that allows everyone to submit their own links. Here are the instructions for submission:

1. Go to the archives.
2. Go to the page of the theme the drabble you want to add is based on.
3. Click "Suggest URL".
4. Enter the author name in the "Author" field.
5. Enter the URL for the drabble in the "URL" field.
6. Enter the name of theme in the "Description" field, but do not write anything else such as a description of the particular drabble. This is to enable the theme identifying the link in author search results. E.g. for a drabble based on theme no. 99, "Geek", simply type in "Geek".
7. Leave the "Email Address" field blank.
8. Press "Suggest URL!"

I'm hoping that if everyone submits their own links after they've published their drabbles, the system will be a lot more easier to maintain, updated a lot more frequently, and will make everyone happier. However, I would like to call for some volunteers to help transfer a majority of what's already present in the archives of the old website to this new one. If you're interested in helping, please leave me a comment or send an email to serenade[at-sign-here]periphrasis.net with a subject of "Usamamo: Volunteer" (the latter is preferred, because I like to think that I'm organised).

Also, there will be a list of all the authors (I think I should change that to 'artists' in the near future) who have undertaken any of the challenges, and for that, I'll need these following details from you:

* Your pen name.
* Your website (or FF.Net/LJ profile page, depending on you)
* The Usagi and Mamoru: A Love Like No Other challenge/s you have undertaken.

Please send that to my email addy (listed above), with a subject of "Usamamo: Author Info". After the archives have been filled (hopefully soon) and I don't hear from you within the next month or so, I'll probably just put up your pen name as your LJ username, and link to your LJ profile page by default. If you're okay with that, or too lazy to send me an email, then feel free to do absolutely nothing. XD

And that's all from me! Take care, and may you continue to drool over the epitome of perfection that is Mamo-chan! ^_^
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