Jen and Brad Pitt break up. For some reason, this surprised me. They were the celeb couple that actually seemed like they would defy the odds. It's rather sad actually, I don't even know why.
School's starting on Monday, am already freaking out. I seriously just don't think I can make it through this term. So far, second year is NOTHING like first year. First year was nice, and filled with partying every weekend and easy courses. Second year is hard, with a lack of partying and more like writing lab reports up every weekend.
About the Tsunami stuff - I've already talked Ingrid's ear off about it all, and I really want to get my thoughts down in coherent way, but I just ... don't ... I just can't manage it right this instant. So instead I made this pointless, superficial entry that is somehow appeasing.
Also? Cramps hurt and make me sad.