Livejournal, you're hoodwinking me!

Aug 15, 2010 10:29

Do excuse me for constantly spamming his journal with OOC posts.

So. This fellow's paid account has expired and that's fine.

What's NOT fine is I paid money to keep his long ass laundry list of icons. Because he likes his icons! And it was hard for him to go down to just 76!

But now, since he no longer has a paid account, he is down to 15...and the 15 most recently updated icons at that.

I've emailed LJ to hopefully get an answer as to WHY his icons aren't there when they have been FUCKING PAID FOR YOU ASSHOLES. They are good until a year from yesterday! I PAID FOR THEM. GIVE THEM BACK YOU SONSOFBITCHES!

To top this all off, my external is busted and I can't go and get back his older icons because I don't have a couple hundred dollars lying around, ready to be spent on data recovery.

So, I'm sorry, but until this issue gets resolved, he won't be responding to tags. He just can't without his icons otherwise they won't match how he's feeling.


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