May 30, 2009 14:57
so due to me like being too obssesed with zOMG!, loosing weight, actually doing my homework i wasn't able to update in a while
the good news is that i don't have to take my world geo final because i was able to exempt it :3 and they finally set the date for my operation, it's gonna be July 9th which is my fave yougest cousin below 10's b-day xD
and his mom got out of the hospital last year on my b-day so it's like a twist of events xD
they say the operation will only take a hour or so and if anything bad happens i might have to spend the night but i still want people to visit me xD
it also turns out that the gym final consists of running a mile, doing push ups and sit ups, i'm currently working on the running and i can do it in like 17 minuets which i think is pretty good for a fat person that's like double the weight she's supposed to be :D/D:
well anyways on to the meme!!!:
Leave a comment on this post and I'll give you a band. Don't worry, I'll make it one you know and love. You put your ten favorite songs by that band on your LJ and challenge others to do the same.
Jenny gave me The GazettE:
1. Kugetsue
4. Psychedelic Heroine
6. Sugar Pain
7. Reila
8. Burial Applicant
9. Wife
10. Carry
11. Zakurogota no Yuutsu
i was gonna put 10 but i realized that i really wanted to put Zakurogota no Yuutsu in there so yeah xD
well i have to go to my cousin's graduation party so bye bye!!!
the gazette,