pics from meme (that only 2 requests were made)

Apr 09, 2009 18:02

luckily i got tired and decided since my room requires alot of pictures that i might as well stop hopping and post the pics so here they are:

tsukkomi_boke wanted my bed:

that's the lower part of my bed

the corner of my bed (where you can see speakers, dictionary, ds case and the back of a .hack game)

you can see the remains of a eraser (the green thing on the side), star ocean,.hack, KH2 manga, Ps2 and more games and my scienceproject

miruminii wanted my walls:

2 of my GazE posters (RCE and STACKED RUBBISH), Alince Nine. (Alpha) and An Cafe (Cherry Saku Yuuki!)

my collague of pic that involve: NANA, CCS, Katamari, GazE, An Cafe, Vampire Knight, Lm.C and more (bellow is a ribbon and 2 HK sitckers) thing, my lava lamp, Nightmare posters, Gentlemen's alliance, KH2 (the staple holding it fell off), and a whole bunchof other stuff)

Maya, DiO signed paper and shirt!!!!

a collage my mom made of when i was younger, a few posters that i haven't been able to hang up (including my Versailles and DiO)

Picture of me and my sister and a NANA poster

above my closet you can see the entire 8th grade

mwahahahaha my third GazE poster this time FILTH IN THE BEAUTY, i wish i had more GazE thoug ;o;

fianlly the last pic: my messy desk and my naruto school xD

i have a tummy ache but i'm so happy to be going to see meeves tomorrow!!!!! also i dyed my hair pink xD


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