just a reminder

Mar 24, 2009 21:50

so me and kim had a fun convo that made her stay up till 3 (i feel bad) but i need to save this part because it's too funny xD but omg this is long xDDDD

Carrie says:
and i just realized that in wakeremechi they didn't try to hide ruki's shortness like they do now xD
kim says:
maybe he threw a fit XD
Carrie says:
maybe xD but i think his shortness is cute :3 i just hope thtat if i ever tell him that that he doesn't know i'm like half his age xD
kim says:
Carrie says:
it's true i mean really how wierd is it if you're 27 and you find out that a 14 year old is taller than you?
kim says:
yeah, true XD I did notice they don't mention their height anymore on their OHP; probably at Ruki's request, I wouldn't be surprised
Carrie says:
but most of us will never forget that he's 5'3" xD
Carrie says:
i feel so excited being taller than him x'D
kim says:
XD I'm only a little taller than he is; if he'd wear shoes with a slight heel and mine were flat we'd probably be the same height XD still, I AM taller
Carrie says:
same here (5'4" and a half) so i shouldn't really be talking but i tend to wear shoes that boost me up to a 5'5"  xD
Carrie says:
it's been a long time since i was your first comment in a post xD
kim says:
Carrie says:
it made me proud of myself :3
Carrie says:
1 more hour till my soap opera starts *o*

Carrie says:
omg my mom needs to learn to let me take a nap once in a while D;
kim says:
she doesn't?
Carrie says:
no, she wants em to take a shower but she knows i like watching a soap opera that starts at 7 and  i usually take a shower around 9 and then she was also yelling at me because i wasn't doing my homework and she won't believe me that i have none D:
kim says:
ahh >_<
Carrie says:
yup so i don't think she;ll make something i enjoy for dinner tonight >o<
kim says:
that sucks >.>
Carrie says:
yup which means i won't eat dinner again ;o;
kim says:
no, you have to eat!
Carrie says:
but they say dinner is the meal that ok to skip, and even so my nutritionist said to eat before 6 PM, it's already 7:34
kim says:
ahh... still, eat during the day XD
Carrie says:
i already did (remember those chips?) i also had quesadillas with them
kim says:
ah, good ^^
Carrie says:
yup but still i'm so used to eating alot >_<
Carrie says:
maybe i'll have more spicy chips 8D
kim says:
yes, you should
Carrie says:
hopefully my mom or dad won't get mad if i do >.<
kim says:
they better not
Carrie says:
yup so now to walk to the kitchen!!!!
Carrie says:
there's no clean plates ;o;
kim says:
Carrie says:
yup, maybe ishould get a plastic plate but it annoys me since it isn't a bowl
Carrie says:
mwahahaha i finally have my chips 8DDDD
kim says:
good XD
Carrie says:
yup and right now the spicyness hasn't gotten to my tounge yet :3
Carrie says:
ahhh they just got spicy xD
kim says:
Carrie says:
it burns but i don't wanna go get water (such a masochist!!!!)
Carrie says:
but it's only spicy on one side...nvm i finally eat a chip on the other side xD
kim says:
Carrie says:
yup so now my whole mouth is spicy xD
kim says:
can be interesting XD
Carrie says:
it is...maybe i'll go buy churritos tomorrow (a somewhat more spicier chips, that make my nose runny)
Carrie says:
well this is certainly the most enjoyable dinner i have had in a while xD
Carrie says:
most of the time i eat by myself
kim says:
I often do that too
Carrie says:
hmm maybe if we meet we can go eat dinner together!!! :3
kim says:
we should XD
Carrie says:
yes, but what should we eat?
kim says:
...no idea >.>
Carrie says:
maybe we should just take take-out xD
Carrie says:
that or i can make pizza :3
kim says:
pizza's good <3
Carrie says:
yup and instead of the almost spicy (i have a weak tounge xD) it'll be swet (we learned by using biscuit dough) and then i can make turn-overs!!! 8DDDD
Carrie says:
i think i'm having too much fun with this *always knew she was somewhat like a housewife*
kim says:
XD housewife isn't that bad XD
Carrie says:
yes i  know -w-'''' ahh maybe i can be Uru's housewife person, he seems like he wouldn't really take good care of wherever he lives xD
kim says:
I know Aoi doesn't XD
Carrie says:
I CAN BE BOTH THEIR HOUSEWIFE!!!! 8DDDDDDD i'll even wash disches :3 (something i normally hate)
kim says:
Carrie says:
yup and hopefully i won't get lost xD
kim says:
hopefully XD
Carrie says:
i only have a map of the shopping centers xD
kim says:
Carrie says:
yup, maybe i can have money to buy them lolita dresses xD
kim says:
aww XD Aoi might even wear it
Carrie says:
yup, i'll make sure it have bunches of ribbons and frills xD
kim says:
Carrie says:
do you think uru-duckie will wear it?
kim says:
maybe if you convince him enough XD
Carrie says:
yes i will bribe him with drinks!!!
kim says:
good plan!
Carrie says:
yes, hmm i already imagined that aoi's would be black with a headband but what should uru's look like?
kim says:
Carrie says:
yes, now what accesories?
kim says:
Carrie says:
so far i think having ribbons and a tophat would look good
kim says:
Carrie says:
then we have setteled it!!!! i just realized that those are good disguises they can use xD
Carrie says:
hmm maybe if i can get them to drink enough we can do kareoke and i can tape uru-duckie singing xD
kim says:
Uruha apparently always sings at karaoke XD
Carrie says:
so it'll be easy to do it xD
Carrie says:
hmm what song should he sing?
kim says:
...a funny one XD
Carrie says:
kim says:
Carrie says:
Carrie says:
Ah Ah by Anna Tsuchiya xD
kim says:
I don't know it XD but it could be perfect
Carrie says: LISTEN!!!!!
Carrie says:
is it over yet????
kim says:
it sounds awesome for Uru XDD
Carrie says:
i know xD it fits him so well XDDDD
Carrie says:
now what should Aoi sing?
kim says:
I... am not sure >.> I remember seeing a fanvid of him to Maneater XD
Carrie says:
omg that would be awsome!!! i also imagined him singing Circus xD
Carrie says:
so we got two members down....
Carrie says:
kim says:
Carrie says:
i'm guessing you know that song xD
Carrie says:
now Reita....
kim says:
Reita... *thinks* oh, I wish I knew
Carrie says:
something tells me U + Ur Hand by Pink
Carrie says:
what do you think?
kim says:
could be a good song XD
Carrie says:
yup but i want to make him sing like something REALLY girly xD
Carrie says:
CANDYMAN!!!!!!! XDDDDDDD he did say he would work in a candy shop xD
kim says:
oh, this is true XD
Carrie says:
yup so now Ruki....
kim says:
something poppy, cause he doesn't seem to like that
Carrie says:
well i just imagined him singing Girlfriend xD
kim says:
yeah, my mind was going there too XD
Carrie says:
great minds think alike xD
Carrie says:
now we need a song for us xD
kim says:
oh, that would be difficult XD
Carrie says:
hmm well i could always sing Rockstar by Belanova BETTER YET SUPER RABBIT!!!! 8DDDD but i suck at the fast songs D:
kim says:
Carrie says:
yup now we need one for you :3333
kim says:
hm... *thinks*
Carrie says:
something tells me to make you sing Daybreak's Bell
kim says:
which? O__O
Carrie says:
by L'Arc~en~Ciel
kim says:
ahh, I was still thinking in the pop direction XD
Carrie says:
ok well i can find one
Carrie says:
kim says:
Carrie says:
i told you i could find one xD
Carrie says:
how much do you think we would have to bribe ruki though?
kim says:
just use his dog XD
Carrie says:
true we could kidnapp him xD
Carrie says:
does anyone else need bribing?
Carrie says:
i think Reita will D:
kim says:
just get Uruha to convince him XD he listens to him a lot
Carrie says:
okies :3 and for kai we just need to ask him with pouting faces on xD but aoi i dunno... maybe we can buy him another golden kimono xD
kim says:
Carrie says:
yup and seeing them sing girly songs is enough for us xD
Carrie says:
well since it's 9 here i better go take a shower but i'll be back in around 30 minuets :3
kim says:
I might go to bed soon >.> it's past 3 AM here D:
Carrie says:

if anyone doesn't know the songs we're gonna sing here's the list:
Ruki: Girlfriend
Reita: Candyman
Uruha: Ah Ah
Aoi: Maneater
Kai: Pepper Keibu
Me: Rockstar
Kim: Mirotic

this is gonna be lots of fun xD

the gazette, kareoke, random, ruki, kai, reita, uruha

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